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Efficient hydrogen evolution electrocatalysis in alkaline medium using Pd-modified zeolite X

By Vasi?, Milica; ?ebela, Maria; Pa
Published in Electrochimica Acta 2018


Palladium ion-exchanged zeolite X (PdX) was prepared by zeolite impregnation with palladium acetylacetonate, followed by thermal degradation of the salt. PdX was characterised using SEM-EDS, ICP-OES and XRD. Analysis revealed presence of 7.78 wt.% of Pd in the form of PdO. Subsequently, PdX was tested for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in alkaline medium using linear scan voltammetry, chronoamperometry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements. The influence of addition of carbon black on the material's catalytic performance was also investigated. The HER kinetic parameters, including Tafel slope, exchange current density and activation energy, were determined. In order to provide atomic-level insights, experimental results were complemented by density functional theory calculations. It is suggested that favourable hydrogen adsorption energetics on PdO is responsible for efficient HER catalysis by this novel electrocatalyst.

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