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Optical and semiconductive properties of binary and ternary thin films from the Nb-Ti-O system

By Aperador, W.; Yate, L.; Pinz
Published in Results in Physics 2018


A study has been conducted based on the Mott-Schottky model acquisition by potentiodynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, to determine the physical-chemical properties of binary TiO2, Nb2O5 and ternary Nb-Ti-O thin films (semiconductor type) based on Nb,Ti, O elements. The technique used for the study of optical properties was that of spectral transmittance, measurements were performed using a spectrophotometer. The consistency of the impedance data has been studied by calculating the Kramers-Kronig relations. The structural properties were analyzed by XRD patterns; the chemical composition measurements for all thin films were made by using XPS technique. So, in this research the transmittance values change from 72.74% for Nb2O5 to 59.68% for Ti-Nb-O with wavelength around 355 nm. The absorption coefficients for all films were analyzed from 31823.87 cm?1 for Nb2O5 to 91240.90 cm?1 for Nb-Ti-O with wavelength around 355 nm evidencing thus a 65% reduction. The direct band gap it was found that the photon energy (band gap Eg) changes in all films from 3.56 eV for Nb2O5 to 3.96 eV for Ti-Nb-O evidencing a 10% reduction. The extinction coefficient values change in all films from 0.038 cm?1 for Nb2O5 to 0.277 cm?1 for Ti-Nb-O films with wavelength around 355 nm, exhibiting an 86% increasing. Finally, it was observed by the Mott-Schottky analysis that the reference potential (Ag/AgCl) changes for all films from ?2.09 V for Nb2O5 to ?0.80 V for Ti-Nb-O material showing a 62% reduction.

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