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Synergistic effects of fluoride and chloride on general corrosion behavior of AISI 316 stainless steel and pure titanium in H2SO4 solutions

By Wang, Z. B.; Hu, H. X.; Zheng, Y. G.
Published in Corrosion Science 2018


The general corrosion behavior of AISI 316 stainless steel (316 SS) and pure titanium (pure Ti) in H2SO4 solutions containing fluoride (F?) and chloride (Cl?) ions was evaluated quantitatively using potentiodynamic polarization tests. The general corrosion resistance of these two materials to F? and Cl? is compared and explained by the proposed mechanisms based on XPS analyses. Furthermore, F? and Cl? are found to have synergistic effects on the general corrosion behavior of these two materials, which are attributed to the effects of F? and Cl? on the penetration of each other into the film.

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