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Mechanical properties, thermal stability and corrosion behavior of electrodeposited Ni-B/AlN nanocomposite coating

By Waware, Umesh S.; Hamouda, A. M. S.; Wasekar, Nitin P.
Published in Surface and Coatings Technology 2018


The present study focuses on the development of Ni-B alloy AlN nanocomposite coating employing a novel electrodeposition technique from citrate bath. The influence of incorporation of AlN particles on structure, thermal stability and mechanical properties of Ni-B alloy coatings has been studied. The addition of AlN particles resulted in improved hardness, elastic modulus of Ni-B coatings by 52% and 46% respectively but also resulted in lower thermal stability. The nanocomposite Ni-B-AlN coatings illustrated increased corrosion protection efficiency over their Ni-B counterpart by a factor of 3.

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