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An electrochemical cell with vertical geometry for neutron reflectivity measurements

By Mizusawa, Mari; Sakurai, Kenji; Yamazaki, Dai; Takeda, Masayasu
Published in Physica B: Condensed Matter 2018


Neutron reflectivity is useful for analyzing solid/liquid interfaces because of its sensitivity to light elements and high transmittance to substances. In most cases, neutron reflectivity measurements on solid/liquid interfaces are carried out using a horizontal geometry. This geometry enables reliable measurements even on relatively unstable systems. However, vertical geometry experiments may be advantageous in certain aspects because a vertical geometry offers higher degrees of freedom in controlling and measuring the sample environments. Therefore, an electrochemical cell that can be used in the vertical geometry is desired. In this report, the fabrication of an electrochemical cell with vertical geometry for neutron reflectivity measurements is described and the preliminary results are analyzed.

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