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Novel ultrathin Bi2O3 nanowires for supercapacitor electrode materials with high performance

By Qiu, Yongfu; Fan, Hongbo; Chang, Xueyi; Dang, Haifeng; Luo, Qun; Cheng, Zhiyu
Published in Applied Surface Science 2018


In this paper, the ultrathin Bi2O3 nanowires are synthesized by an oxidative metal vapor transport deposition technique. Their diameters and length are about 10nm and several tens of micrometers, the growth direction is along [101] and the specific surface area is about 7.34m2g?1. The galvanostatic charge-discharge measurement results show that the specific capacitances of the Bi2O3 nanowires-based electrodes increase with the decrease of the current densities. The maximum capacitance is 691.3Fg?1 at the current density of 2.0Ag?1. The Ragone plot shows that the Bi2O3 nanowires has excellent supercapacitive performance. Moreover, the cyclic stability is measured by the galvanostatic charge/discharge technique at a constant current density of 10.0Ag?1 in 6.0M KOH electrolyte. The results show the excellent capacitance retention of 75.5% over 3000 cycles. In a word, the Bi2O3 nanowires should be the ideal potential electrode materials for low-costing and effective electrochemical supercapacitors.

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