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Understanding the energy level matching relationships between semiconductor photocatalysts and organic pollutants for effective photocatalytic degradations

By Tong, Haixia; Zhan, Xiaojun; Tian, Xiong; Li, Junhua; Qian, Dong; Wu, Daoxin
Published in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2018


In this work, representative semiconductors CdS, V2O5, WO3 and P25 (Degussa TiO2 consisting of 80 wt% anatase and 20 wt% rutile) were chosen as the photocatalysts, and the common phenol along with its derivatives (p-nitrophenol, p-chlorophenol and hydroquinone) were designated as the probe pollutants. The energy levels of the frontier molecular orbitals (EHOMO and ELUMO) of organics, and the valence band (VB) and conduction band (CB) energy levels (EVB and ECB) of photocatalysts were obtained through experiments and calculations. By correlating the photocatalytic activities of photocatalysts for the degradations of the organic pollutants under the irradiation of a 300 W xenon lamp with their above-mentioned energy levels, some new findings can be acquired. To be specific, the more positive EHOMO of an organic pollutant leads to its easier photodegradation by photocatalysts. Meanwhile, the more negative VB position for a photocatalyst results in the higher photocatalytic activities for the degradations of organic pollutants. Therefore, the matching correlation between the EHOMO of an organic pollutant and the EVB of a photocatalyst is of great importance to the efficiency of photocatalytic degradation.

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