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Experimental and physical approaches on a novel semiconducting-ionic membrane fuel cell

By Mi, Youquan; Xia, Chen; Zhu, Bin; Raza, Rizwan; Afzal, Muhammad; Riess, Ilan
Published in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2018


Semiconducting-ionic membranes (SIMs) have exhibited significant superiority to replace the conventional ionic electrolytes in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). One interesting phenomenon is that the SIMs can successfully avoid the underlying short-circuiting issue and power losses while bringing significantly enhanced power output. It is crucial to understand the physics in such devices as they show distinct electrochemical processes with conventional fuel cells. We first presented experimental studies of a SIM fuel cell based on a composite of semiconductor LiCo0.8Fe0.2O2 (LCF) and ionic conductor Sm-doped CeO2 (SDC), which achieved a remarkable power density of 1150 mW cm?2 at 550

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