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Interfacial corrosion of copper in concentrated chloride solution and the formation of copper hydroxychloride

By Li, Shengxi; Teague, Mary T.; Doll, Gary L.; Schindelholz, Eric J.; Cong, Hongbo
Published in Corrosion Science 2018


This work aims to investigate the waterline corrosion of pure copper in 4 M NaCl solution. Three distinct regions are identified. Corrosion products formed at the waterline are characterized by micro-Raman spectroscopy, complemented by SEM/EDS, as a function of immersion time. The co-existence of four copper species is explained by thermodynamic equilibrium consideration. The composition of spreading region is determined and compared with the oxide film formation in different pH NaOH solutions. The anodic dissolution of copper exposed to the bulk electrolyte is investigated by electrochemical methods. The pH and potential profiles across three regions are proposed.

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