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Thermally stable current-collecting silver grid coated with ceramic-capping layer for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells

By Hong, Soonwook; Lim, Yonghyun; Prinz, Fritz B.; Kim, Young-Beom
Published in Ceramics International 2018


In an effort to decrease the operating temperature of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), nano-porous thin Pt layers have been used as a cathode material with catalytic activity. Because of porous and thin characteristic of the Pt cathode, however, a large cathode area results in a significant performance deterioration because of the increased sheet resistance of the Pt cathode. In this study, we developed a Ag-patterned grid as a current-collecting layer and a samaria-doped ceria (SDC) oxide-capping layer on the porous Pt cathode to decrease sheet resistance and enhance electrochemical performance. Enhanced electron transportation and thermo-stable behavior of fabricated fuel cells indicated three-fold enhanced peak power density and more than two-fold thermomechanical stability, as per scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electrochemical analysis results.

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