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Damage assessment of the corrosion-resistant performances for organic coating systems after accelerated tests using analytic hierarchy process

By Yong, Xingyue; Hu, Xiyan; Jiang, Lin; Ma, Qingfei; Chen, Rihui
Published in Engineering Failure Analysis 2018


It is very significant to comprehensively evaluate corrosion-resistant levels of an organic coating system after accelerated tests or outdoor exposures. In this study, the comprehensive evaluation model of the tested or exposed organic coating systems was established with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on their eight types of the often observable and measureable failure modes, and that this model was verified by the electrochemical impedance data based on their electrochemical impedances spectroscopies (EIS). The corrosion-resistant performance levels of the tested or exposed organic coating systems were defined based on the comprehensively evaluated values. The relationship of their comprehensively evaluated values with the electrochemical impedances of the tested or exposed organic coating systems was proposed. Finally, this model was used to assess the corrosion-resistant performances of the coated aluminum alloys with three types of availably commercial organic coatings after accelerated tests. The results showed that the comprehensive evaluation model was verified to be reasonable to straightforwardly and comprehensively assess the corrosion-resistant performance levels of the tested or exposed organic coating systems after accelerated tests in a laboratory which simulate different corrosive atmospheric environments.

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