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Corrosion inhibition of perimidine derivatives for mild steel in acidic media: Electrochemical and computational studies

By He, Xiaohong; Mao, Junwei; Ma, Qi; Tang, Yongming
Published in Journal of Molecular Liquids 2018


1H?perimidine (PER) and 1H?perimidin?2?amine (NPER) are investigated as corrosion inhibitors of mild steel in acidic media. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potentiodynamic polarization and theoretical calculations are used to study the inhibition performance and adsorption mechanism. At a concentration < 0.15 mM, the inhibition efficiencies of these compounds are >90% for mild steel in 1.0 M HCl. Moreover, the inhibitive capability of NPER is slightly higher than that of PER due to the presence of 2-position amino-group. The fusion of large ?-bond system with N-containing heterocycles makes the compounds strongly adsorb on iron surfaces in a nearly parallel mode.

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