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Plasmon-Resonant Enhancement of Photocatalysis on Monolayer WSe2

By Chen, Jihan; Bailey, Connor S.; Hong, Yilun; Wang, Li; Cai, Zhi; Shen, Lang; Hou, Bingya; Wang, Yu; Shi, Haotian; Sambur, Justin; Ren, Wencai; Pop, Eric; Cronin, Stephen B.
Published in ACS Photonics 2019


We report plasmonic enhancement of photocatalysis by depositing 5 nm Au nanoislands onto tungsten diselenide (WSe2) monolayer films. Under 532 nm wavelength illumination, the bare WSe2 film produces a relatively small photocurrent (20 nA). With the addition of Au nanoparticles, we observe enhancements of up to 7

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