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On-Chip Electrochemical Detection of Cholera Using a Polypyrrole-Functionalized Dendritic Gold Sensor

By Valera, Amy E.; Nesbitt, Nathan T.; Archibald, Michelle M.; Naughton, Michael J.; Chiles, Thomas C.
Published in ACS Sensors 2019


Rapid diagnosis of an infectious disease outbreak in the field is critical for limiting the escalation of an outbreak into an epidemic. Devices suited to point-of-care (POC) diagnosis of cholera must not only demonstrate clinical laboratory levels of sensitivity and specificity but do so in a portable and low-cost manner, with a simplistic readout. We report work toward an on-chip electrochemical immunosensor for the detection of cholera toxin subunit B (CTX), based on a dendritic gold architecture biofunctionalized via poly(2-cyanoethyl)pyrrole (PCEPy). The dendritic electrode has an ?18

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