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Decoupling Effects of Surface Recombination and Barrier Height on p-Si(111) Photovoltage in Semiconductor|Liquid Junctions via Molecular Dipoles and Metal Oxides

By Boucher, Dylan G.; Speller, James R.; Han, Ruirui; Osterloh, Frank E.; Rose, Michael J.
Published in ACS Applied Energy Materials 2019


This work provides insight into carrier dynamics in a model photoelectrochemical system comprised of a semiconductor, metal oxide, and metal. To isolate carrier dynamics from catalysis, a common catalytic metal (Pt) is used in concert with an outer-sphere redox couple. Silicon (111) substrates were surface-functionalized with electronegative aryl moieties (p-nitrophenyl and m-dinitrophenyl). A mixed monolayer using p-nitrophenyl/methyl exhibited high surface quality as determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (low surface SiOx content) and low surface recombination velocity. This substrate also exhibited the expected positive surface dipole, as evidenced by rectifying J

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