Galvanic deposition of Pd2+ ion in chloride solution by using different three dimensional electrodes
By Mansor, Nadia; Mohamed, Norita; Mehamod, Faizatul Shimal; Suah, Faiz Bukhari Mohd
2019 |
Novel hierarchically porous Ti-MOFs/nitrogen-doped graphene nanocomposite served as high efficient oxygen reduction reaction catalyst for fuel cells application
By Qin, Xiulan; Huang, Ying; Wang, Ke; Xu, Tingting; Wang, Yanli; Liu, Panbo; Kang, Yuan; Zhang, Yang
2019 |
Pulsed laser deposition of BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-? cathode for solid oxide fuel cells
By Ryu, Sangbong; Lee, Sanghoon; Jeong, Wonyeop; Pandiyan, Arunkumar; Moorthy, Suresh Babu Krishna; Chang, Ikwhang; Park, Taehyun; Cha, Suk Won
2019 |
Stray alternating current (AC) induced corrosion of steel fibre reinforced concrete
By Tang, Kangkang
2019 |
The role of molecular crowding in long-range metalloprotein electron transfer: Dissection into site- and scaffold-specific contributions
By Zitare, Ulises A.; Szuster, Jonathan; Scocozza, Magali F.; Espinoza-Cara, Andr
2019 |
Effects of SiC content on phase evolution and corrosion behavior of SiC-reinforced 316L stainless steel matrix composites by laser melting deposition
By Wu, C. L.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, C. H.; Zhang, J. B.; Liu, Y.; Chen, J.
2019 |
Metal organic framework-derived carbon structures for sodium-ion battery anodes
By Ingersoll, Nolan; Karimi, Zahra; Patel, Dhruv; Underwood, Robert; Warren, Roseanne
2019 |
Colloidal synthesis of high-performance FeSe/CoSe nanocomposites for electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction
By Wang, Xueyuan; Zhou, Yan; Liu, Ming; Chen, Chen; Zhang, Jun
2019 |
Sal wood sawdust derived highly mesoporous carbon as prospective electrode material for vanadium redox flow batteries
By Maharjan, Makhan; Wai, Nyunt; Veksha, Andrei; Giannis, Apostolos; Lim, Tuti Mariana; Lisak, Grzegorz
2019 |
The effect of surface plastic deformation produced by shot peening on corrosion behavior of a low-alloy steel
By Kovac?, H.; Bozkurt, Y. B.; Yetim, A. F.; Aslan, M.;
2019 |