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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Carbon-Coated MoSe2/MXene Hybrid Nanosheets for Superior Potassium Storage
By Huang, Huawen; Cui, Jie; Liu, Guoxue; Bi, Ran; Zhang, Lei
Selective and Efficient Gd-Doped BiVO4 Photoanode for Two-Electron Water Oxidation to H2O2
By Baek, Ji Hyun; Gill, Thomas Mark; Abroshan, Hadi; Park, Sangwook; Shi, Xinjian; N
Rational Synthesis of Porous Graphitic-like Carbon Nitride Nanotubes Codoped with Au and Pd as an Efficient Catalyst for Carbon Monoxide Oxidation
By Eid, Kamel; Sliem, Mostafa H.; Al-Kandari, Halema; Sharaf, Mohammed A.; Abdullah, Aboubakr M.
Co2+-Linked [NaP5W30O110]14?: A Redox-Active Metal Oxide Framework with High Electron Density
By Turo, Michael J.; Chen, Linfeng; Moore, Curtis E.; Schimpf, Alina M.
Scalable Production of Graphene Oxide Using a 3D-Printed Packed-Bed Electrochemical Reactor with a Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode
By Lowe, Sean E.; Shi, Ge; Zhang, Yubai; Qin, Jiadong; Wang, Shujun; Uijtendaal, Alexander; Sun, Jiqing; Jiang, Lixue; Jiang, Shuaiyu; Qi, Dongchen; Al-Mamun, Mohammad; Liu, Porun; Zhong, Yu Lin; Zhao, Huijun
Electroactive and Conformal Coatings of Oxidative Chemical Vapor Deposition Polymers for Oxygen Electroreduction
By Kaviani, Shayan; Mohammadi Ghaleni, Mahdi; Tavakoli, Elham; Nejati, Siamak
Impact of Background Oxygen Pressure on the Pulsed-Laser Deposition of ZnO Nanolayers and on Their Corresponding Performance as Electron Acceptors in PbS Quantum-Dot Solar Cells
By Dong, Qian; Liu, Huiyan; Hara, Yukihiro; Starr, Hannah E.; Dempsey, Jillian L.; Lopez, Rene
Coupling Ultrafine Pt Nanocrystals over the Fe2P Surface as a Robust Catalyst for Alcohol Fuel Electro-Oxidation
By Wang, Fulong; Fang, Bo; Yu, Xu; Feng, Ligang
Effect of Manganese Porphyrin Covalent Immobilization on Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation and Oxygen Reduction Reactions
By Marianov, Aleksei N.; Jiang, Yijiao
Unraveling the Formation Mechanism of Solid
By Weiss, Manuel; Seidlhofer, Beatrix-Kamelia; Gei

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