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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Hydrogen production from pine-derived catalytic pyrolysis aqueous phase via microbial electrolysis
By Brooks, Victoria; Lewis, Alex J.; Dulin, Parker; Beegle, Jeff R.; Rodriguez, Miguel; Borole, Abhijeet P.
Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure, electrochemical studies and biological evaluation of metal complexes with thiosemicarbazone of glyoxylic acid
By Huseynova, Mansura; Taslimi, Parham; Medjidov, Ajdar; Farzaliyev, Vagif; Aliyeva, Mahizar; Gondolova, Gulnar; ?ahin, Onur; Yal
A novel thiophene Schiff base as an efficient corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 1.0 M HCl: Electrochemical and quantum chemical studies
By Tezcan, Fatih; Yerlikaya, Gurbet; Mahmood, Asad; Karda?, G
Ammonium nickel phosphate on nickel foam with a Ni3+-rich surface for ultrasensitive nonenzymatic glucose sensors
By Wang, Xinxin; Jian, Huamei; Xiao, Qi; Huang, Suping
Platinum/polypyrrole-carbon electrocatalysts for direct borohydride-peroxide fuel cells
By Oliveira, Raisa C. P.; Miliki?, Jadranka; Da?, Elif; Yurtcan, Ay?e B.; Santos, Diogo M. F.;
Properties enhancement of Ni-P electrodeposited coatings by the incorporation of nanoscale Y2O3 particles
By Radwan, A. Bahgat; Ali, Kamran; Shakoor, R. A.; Mohammed, Himyan; Alsalama, Taif; Kahraman, Ramazan; Yusuf, Moinuddin M.; Abdullah, Aboubakr M.; Montemor, M. Fatima; Helal, Mohamed
Influence of post?deposition heat treatment on the properties of electrodeposited Ni?Mo alloy coatings
By Laszczy?ska, A.; Tylus, W.; Szczygie?, B.; Szczygie?, I.
Mechanical properties and electrochemical behavior of porous Ti-Nb biomaterials
By Y?lmaz, Eren; G
Corrosion and biological performance of biodegradable magnesium alloys mediated by low copper addition and processing
By Yan, Xudong; Wan, Peng; Tan, Lili; Zhao, Mingchun; Qin, Ling; Yang, Ke
Application of the Mott-Schottky model to select potentials for EIS studies on electrodes for electrochemical charge storage
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