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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Improved corrosion resistance of Mg
By Baek, Soo-Min; Kang, Jeong Su; Kim, Jong Chan; Kim, Beomcheol; Shin, Hyung-Joon; Park, Sung Soo
The mechanisms of corrosion inhibition of hot-dip galvanized steel by vanadyl oxalate: A galvanic corrosion investigation supported by XPS
By Gao, Zhiqiang; Zhang, Dawei; Qiu, Xiaopan; Jiang, Sheming; Wu, Yucheng; Zhang, Qifu; Li, Xiaogang
Self-healing ceria-modified coating for corrosion protection of AZ31 magnesium alloy
By Calado, L
A detailed look into hydrogen electrochemical oxidation on ceria anodes
By Tabish, A. N.; Patel, H. C.; Schoonman, J.; Aravind, P. V.
Assisting the biofilm formation of exoelectrogens using nanostructured microbial fuel cells
By Mahmoud, Rehab H.; Samhan, Farag A.; Ali, Gamila H.; Ibrahim, Mohamed K.; Hassan, Rabeay Y. A.
Hydrostatic pressure effects on hydrogen entry into A514 steel with cathodic deposits
By Xiong, X. L.; Xiang, Y.; Li, J. X.; Su, Y. J.; Zhou, Q. J.; Volinsky, Alex A.
Double-shelled hollow carbon sphere with microporous outer shell towards high performance lithium-sulfur battery
By Zhang, Yongzheng; Zong, Xiaolin; Zhan, Liang; Yu, Xiaoye; Gao, Jin; Xun, Chuangcheng; Li, Puyuan; Wang, Yanli
Papertronics: Multigate paper transistor for multifunction applications
By Martins, Rodrigo; Gaspar, Diana; Mendes, Manuel J.; Pereira, Luis; Martins, Jorge; Bahubalindruni, Pydi; Barquinha, Pedro; Fortunato, Elvira
Corrosion inhibition of pure Mg containing a high level of iron impurity in pH neutral NaCl solution
By Yang, Junjie; Blawert, Carsten; Lamaka, Sviatlana V.; Yasakau, Kiryl A.; Wang, Li; Laipple, Daniel; Schieda, Mauricio; Di, Shichun; Zheludkevich, Mikhail L.
Encapsulated hollow Na2Ti3O7 spheres in reduced graphene oxide films for flexible sodium-ion batteries
By Bi, Ran; Zeng, Cheng; Ma, Tianyi; Etogo, Atangana; Wang, Xinping; Zhang, Lei

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