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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
1,2-bis(4-chlorobenzylidene)Azine as new and effective corrosion inhibitor for copper in 0.1 N HCl: A combined experimental and theoretical approach
By Abderrahim, K.; Selatnia, I.; Sid, A.; Mosset, P.
Determination of the critical pitting temperature of corrosion resistant alloys in H2S containing environments
By Mendibide, C.; Duret-Thual, C.
NiA and NiX zeolites as bifunctional electrocatalysts for water splitting in alkaline media
By Miliki?, Jadranka; Vasi?, Milica; Amaral, Lu
Fe3O4 nanoparticles decorated smectite nanocomposite: Characterization, photocatalytic and electrocatalytic activities
By Caglar, Bulent; Guner, Eda Keles; Keles, Kubra;
Effects of anodic deposition of manganese oxide on surface chemical environment and capacitive performance of graphene hydrogel
By Chi, Hong Zhong; Wu, Yong Qiang; Shen, Yu Kang; Zhang, Chunxiao; Qin, Haiying; Xiong, Qinqin; Lu, Xiaoxiao; Ji, Zhenguo
Photocatalytic hydrogen production with reduced graphene oxide (RGO)-CdZnS nano-composites synthesized by solvothermal decomposition of dimethyl sulfoxide as the sulfur source
By Aky
Electrochromic cell with hydrogel-stabilized water-based electrolyte using electrodeposition as a fast color changing mechanism
By Rozman, Martin; Bren, Urban; Luk
Influence of the microstructure on the corrosion behaviour of 2024 aluminium alloy coated with a trivalent chromium conversion layer
By Saillard, R.; Viguier, B.; Odemer, G.; Pugliara, A.; Fori, B.; Blanc, C.
Development of highly efficient bimetallic nanocomposite cathode catalyst, composed of Ni:Co supported sulfonated polyaniline for application in microbial fuel cells
By Papiya, Farhan; Pattanayak, Prasanta; Kumar, Piyush; Kumar, Vikash; Kundu, Patit Paban
Two-dimensional Porous Carbon-coated Sandwich-like Mesoporous SnO2/Graphene/Mesoporous SnO2 Nanosheets towards High-Rate and Long Cycle Life Lithium-ion Batteries
By Yao, Weiqi; Wu, Shengbo; Zhan, Liang; Wang, Yanli

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