Literature Database
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.
If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.
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Publication | Date |
On-Demand Electrical Switching of Antibody
By Santos Gomes, B |
2018 |
Edge-Rich Quasi-Mesoporous Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Framework Derived from Palm Tree Bark Hair for Electrochemical Applications
By Chen, Liang; Chen, Zhengu; Kuang, Yafei; Xu, Chenxi; Yang, Liming; Zhou, Minjie; He, Binhong; Jing, Mingjun; Li, Zhi; Li, Fangyi; Chen, Zhongxue; Hou, Zhaohui |
2018 |
Bispyranopyrazoles as Green Corrosion Inhibitors for Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid: Experimental and Theoretical Approach
By Singh, Priyanka; Kumar, Madhan; Quraishi, Mumtaz Ahmad; Haque, Jiyaul; Singh, Gurmeet |
2018 |
Understanding Oxygen Activation on Metal- and Nitrogen-Codoped Carbon Catalysts
By Eisenberg, David; Slot, Thierry K.; Rothenberg, Gadi |
2018 |
Two-Dimensional Ti3C2 MXene for High-Resolution Neural Interfaces
By Driscoll, Nicolette; Richardson, Andrew G.; Maleski, Kathleen; Anasori, Babak; Adewole, Oladayo; Lelyukh, Pavel; Escobedo, Lilia; Cullen, D. Kacy; Lucas, Timothy H.; Gogotsi, Yury; Vitale, Flavia |
2018 |
Bimetallic CoMoS Composite Anchored to Biocarbon Fibers as a High-Capacity Anode for Li-Ion Batteries
By Dominguez, Noemi; Torres, Brenda; Barrera, Luis A.; Rincon, Julio E.; Lin, Yirong; Chianelli, Russell R.; Ahsan, Md. Ariful; Noveron, Juan C. |
2018 |
Isoxazolidine derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for low carbon steel in HCl solution: experimental, theoretical and effect of KI studies
By Alhaffar, Mouheddin T.; Umoren, Saviour A.; Obot, Ime. B.; Ali, Shaikh A. |
2018 |
Recombination Strategy for Processable Ambipolar Electroactive Polymers in Pseudocapacitors
By Wang, Yilin; Li, Weishuo; Guo, Yitong; Cao, Jupeng; Murtaza, Imran; Shuja, Ahmed; He, Yaowu; Meng, Hong |
2018 |
Recombination Strategy for Processable Ambipolar Electroactive Polymers in Pseudocapacitors
By Wang, Yilin; Li, Weishuo; Guo, Yitong; Cao, Jupeng; Murtaza, Imran; Syed, Ahmed Shuja; He, Yaowu; Meng, Hong |
2018 |
Amorphous Carbon Nanotubes
By Banerjee, Diptonil; Ghorai, Uttam Kumar; Das, Nirmalya Sankar; Das, Biswajit; Thakur, Subhasish; Chattopadhyay, Kalyan Kumar |
2018 |