Literature Database
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.
If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.
Publication |
Date |
Mesoporous Ag-doped Co3O4 nanowire arrays supported on FTO as efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction in acidic media
By Yan, Kai-Li; Chi, Jing-Qi; Xie, Jing-Yi; Dong, Bin; Liu, Zi-Zhang; Gao, Wen-Kun; Lin, Jia-Hui; Chai, Yong-Ming; Liu, Chen-Guang
2018 |
Scale and corrosion inhibition performance of the newly synthesized anionic surfactant in desalination plants: Experimental, and theoretical investigations
By Al-Sabagh, A. M.; Basiony, N. M. El; Sadeek, S. A.; Migahed, M. A.
2018 |
Effect of temperature and fluid speed on the corrosion behavior of carbon steel pipeline in Qatari oilfield produced water
By Benamor, Abdelbaki; Talkhan, Ahmed Gomaa; Nasser, Mustafa; Hussein, Ibnelwaleed; Okonkwo, Paul C.
2018 |
An electrochemical sensor for sensitive detection of dopamine based on MWCNTs/CeO2-PEDOT composite
2018 |
Simultaneous thermal and visual imaging of liquid water of the PEM fuel cell flow channels
By Aslam, R. M.; Ingham, D. B.; Ismail, M. S.; Hughes, K. J.; Ma, L.; Pourkashanian, M.
2018 |
Influence of hybrid extrusion and solution treatment on the microstructure and degradation behavior of Mg-0.1Cu alloy
By Yan, Xudong; Wan, Peng; Tan, Lili; Zhao, Mingchun; Shuai, Cijun; Yang, Ke
2018 |
Two electron utilization of methyl viologen anolyte in nonaqueous organic redox flow battery
By Hu, Bo; Liu, T. Leo
2018 |
A low-cost and miniaturized potentiostat for sensing of biomolecular species such as TNF-? by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
By Pruna, Raquel; Palacio, Francisco; Baraket, Abdoullatif; Zine, Nadia; Streklas, Angelos; Bausells, Joan; Errachid, Abdelhamid; L
2018 |
A novel silanization agent based single used biosensing system: Detection of C-reactive protein as a potential Alzheimer
By Karabo?a, M
2018 |
Modification of fluorine-doped tin oxide-electrodes by electrochemical reduction of di(4-nitrophenyl)iodonium tetrafluoroborate - And its application as a photo-anode in dye-sensitized solar cells
By Christiansen, Cathrine D.; S
2018 |