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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Insights and optimization of the structural and mechanical properties of TiWSiN coatings using the Taguchi method
By Macías, H.A.; Yate, L.; Coy, E.; Aperador, W.; Olaya, J.J.
Preparation and electrochemical properties of uniform spherical lithium rich materials xLi2MnO3∙(1-x)LiMn1/3Ni1/3Co1/3O2
By Zhou, Sen; Liu, Guoqiang; Wen, Lei; Luo, Hongze
Interfacial water management of gradient microporous layer for self-humidifying proton exchange membrane fuel cells
By Lin, Rui; Chen, Liang; Zheng, Tong; Tang, Shenghao; Yu, Xiaoting; Dong, Mengcheng; Hao, Zhixian
Rational design of core-shell-structured CoPx@FeOOH for efficient seawater electrolysis
By Wu, Libo; Yu, Luo; McElhenny, Brian; Xing, Xinxin; Luo, Dan; Zhang, Fanghao; Bao, Jiming; Chen, Shuo; Ren, Zhifeng
Influence of model environment complexity on corrosion mechanism of biodegradable zinc alloys
By Hybasek, Vojtech; Kubasek, Jiri; Capek, Jaroslav; Alferi, Dino; Pinc, Jan; Jiru, Jitrenka; Fojt, Jaroslav
One-pot scalable in situ growth of highly corrosion-resistant MgAl-LDH/MBT composite coating on magnesium alloy under mild conditions
By Hu, Ting; Ouyang, Yuejun; Xie, Zhi-Hui; Wu, Liang
Mixed electron-ion-water transfer in macromolecular radicals for metal-free aqueous batteries
By Ma, Ting; Easley, Alexandra D.; Wang, Shaoyang; Flouda, Paraskevi; Lutkenhaus, Jodie L.
Fabrication of CNTs supported binary nanocomposite with multiple strategies to boost electrochemical activities
By Aadil, Muhammad; Zulfiqar, Sonia; Shahid, Muhammad; Agboola, Philips O.; Al-Khalli, Najeeb Faud; Warsi, Muhammad Farooq; Shakir, Imran
Correlation between depassivation and repassivation processes determined by single particle impingement: Its crucial role in the phenomenon of critical flow velocity for erosion-corrosion
By Li, L.L.; Wang, Z.B.; He, S.Y.; Zheng, Y.G.
Electrochemical stability, physical, and electronic properties of thermally pre-formed oxide compared to artificially sputtered oxide on Fe thin films in aqueous chloride
By Han, Junsoo; Wartenberg, Marlene G.; Chan, Ho Lun; Derby, Benjamin K.; Li, Nan; Scully, John R.

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