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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Hydrogen Silsesquioxane based silica glass coatings for the corrosion protection of austenitic stainless steel
By Lampert, Felix; Jensen, Annemette Hindhede; Din, Rameez Ud; M
Study on electrochemical property of La0.75Mg0.25Ni2.85Co0.45-x(AlSn)x (x=0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) alloys
By LAN, Zhiqiang; LI, Jiacheng; WEI, Bing; ZHU, Rongrong; GUO, Jin
Surface properties and graphitization of polyacrylonitrile based fiber electrodes affecting the negative half-cell reaction in vanadium redox flow batteries
By Langner, J.; Bruns, M.; Dixon, D.; Nefedov, A.; W
Nanoparticle displacement assay with electrochemical nanopore-based sensors
By Lautner, Gergely; Plesz, M
Studies on metallurgical and impact toughness behavior of variably sensitized weld metal and heat affected zone of {AISI} 304L welds
By Kumar, Subodh; Shahi, A. S.
Analysis of polybenzimidazole and polyvinylpyrrolidone blend membranes as separating barrier in single chambered microbial fuel cells
By Kumar, Vikash; Mondal, Sudipta; Nandy, Arpita; Kundu, Patit P.
Synthesis of porous thin silver films and their application for hydrogen peroxide sensing
By Kurowska-Tabor, El?bieta; Gawlak, Karolina; Hnida, Katarzyna; Jasku?a, Marian; Sulka, Grzegorz D.
Influence of acid pretreatment on ionic conductivity of Nafion
By Kuwertz, Rafael; Kirstein, Carina; Turek, Thomas; Kunz, Ulrich
Sputtered Synthesis of MnO2 Nanorods as Binder Free Electrode for High Performance Symmetric Supercapacitors
By Kumar, Ashwani; Sanger, Amit; Kumar, Arvind; Kumar, Yogesh; Chandra, Ramesh
Electrophoretic deposition of hydroxyapatite coating on Mg
By Kumar, R. Manoj; Kuntal, Kishor Kumar; Singh, Sanjay; Gupta, Pallavi; Bhushan, Bharat; Gopinath, P.; Lahiri, Debrupa

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