TDC4 Port Number Change
Step-by-step Instructions for Changing Your TDC4 COM port Number. Applies to Framework software version 4.35 to 5.XX
- Click Start, Control Panel
- Select "System" (switch to classic view if System is not listed)
- Click the Hardware Tab
- Click the Device Manager button
- Plug in your USB-to-Serial adapater
- Look under Ports (COM & LPT)
- Locate the device "Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM#)"
- Write down the COM #, you'll need it for the next step.
- Click Start, All Programs, Gamry, Framework, Gamry.ini
- Locate this section, if it is not present add it at the end:
TYPE=4 - Change the value for PORT=# to the COM number you wrote down
- Change the entry for MODE=COM#:2400,O,7,1 to the COM number you wrote down
- Save, exit, restart Framework
- Click Experiment, Named Script, and enter the script "TDC4 Initialize Settings.exp"
A Note about USB to Serial Converters. Always use the same physical USB port for your TDC4:
Windows initializes the USB converter device and automatically assigns the next available COM port. This is a problem if the converter is plugged into a different physical USB port, as windows will see it as a brand new device and will initialize it with a new COM port number. The TDC4 is not plug and play, and thus the software has no knowledge of the settings change. This will not be a problem if the same physical USB port is always used.