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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Enhancing the biodegradability and surface protective performance of AZ31 Mg alloy using polypyrrole/gelatin composite coatings with anodized Mg surface
By Jothi, V.; Adesina, Akeem Yusuf; Kumar, A. Madhan; Rahman, Mohammad Mizanur; Ram, J. S. Nirmal
Elucidating the mechanism for the chemical vapor deposition growth of vertical MoO2/MoS2 flakes toward photoelectrochemical applications
By Trung, Tran Nam; Kamand, Fadi Z.; tahtamouni, T. M. Al
Plasmonic mesoporous core-shell Ag-Au@TiO2 photoanodes for efficient light harvesting in dye sensitized solar cells
By Salimi, Kouroush; Atilgan, Abdullah; Aydin, Mustafa Yasir; Yildirim, Hilal; Celebi, Nuray; Yildiz, Abdullah
Shape-anisotropic cobalt-germanium-borate glass flakes as novel Li-ion battery anodes
By Esper, Julian D.; Zhuo, Ying; Barr, Maissa; Yokosawa, Tadahiro; Spiecker, Erdmann; Ligny, Dominique de; Bachmann, Julien; Peukert, Wolfgang; Romeis, Stefan
Hydrogen evolution on bare Mg surfaces using the scratched electrode technique
By Gabbardo, Aline D.; Frankel, G. S.
In-situ diagnostic tools for hydrogen transfer leak characterization in PEM fuel cell stacks part III: Manufacturing applications
By Niroumand, Amir M.; Homayouni, Hooman; Goransson, Gert; Olfert, Mark; Eikerling, Michael
Thiosemicarbazide-based iron(III) and manganese(III) complexes. Structural, electrochemical characterization and antioxidant activity
By Kaya, Büşra; Kaya, Kerem; Koca, Atıf; Ülküseven, Bahri
Optimized microporous layer for improving polymer exchange membrane fuel cell performance using orthogonal test design
By Lin, Rui; Diao, Xiaoyu; Ma, Tiancai; Tang, Shenghao; Chen, Liang; Liu, Dengcheng
Refill friction stir spot welded AA5754-H22/Ti-6Al-4V joints: Microstructural characterization and electrochemical corrosion behavior of aluminum surfaces
By Vacchi, G. S.; Silva, R.; Plaine, A. H.; Suhuddin, U. F. H.; Alcântara, N. G.; Sordi, V. L.; Rovere, C. A. D.
Light harvesting and photo-induced electrochemical devices based on bionanocage proteins
By Güzel, Remziye; Ocak, Yusuf Selim; Karuk, Şükriye Nihan; Ersöz, Arzu; Say, Rıdvan

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