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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Functionalised novel gemini surfactants as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in 50 mM NaCl: Experimental and theoretical insights
By Pakiet, Marta; Tedim, João; Kowalczyk, Iwona; Brycki, Bogumił
Carboxymethyl cellulose/diclofenac bioactive coatings on AISI 316LVM for controlled drug delivery, and improved osteogenic potential
By Maver, Uroš; Xhanari, Klodian; Žižek, Marko; Gradišnik, Lidija; Repnik, Katja; Potočnik, Uroš; Finšgar, Matjaž
Electrochemical performance of pure Al, Al–Sn, Al–Mg and Al–Mg–Sn anodes for Al-air batteries
By Ren, Jianming; Ma, Jianbo; Zhang, Jiao; Fu, Chaopeng; Sun, Baode
Autonomous self-healing in epoxy coatings provided by high efficiency isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) microcapsules for protection of carbon steel
By Attaei, Mahboobeh; Calado, Lénia M.; Taryba, Maryna G.; Morozov, Yegor; Shakoor, R. Abdul; Kahraman, Ramazan; Marques, Ana C.; Montemor, M. Fátima
Experimental and theoretical investigations for some spiropyrazoles derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for copper in 2 M HNO3 solutions
By Gadow, H. S.; Farghaly, Thoraya A.; Eldesoky, A. M.
Hierarchical nanowire and nanoplate-assembled NiCo2O4–NiO biphasic microspheres as effective electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction
By Cetin, A.; Esenturk, E. N.
Effect of external salt addition on the structural, morphological and electrochemical properties of flexible PEDOT:PSS based LbL multilayered films
By Okutan, Merve; Deligöz, Hüseyin
Influence of unit cell and geometry size on scaffolds electrochemical response
By Longhitano, Guilherme Arthur; Conde, Ana; Arenas, Maria Angeles; Larosa, Maria Aparecida; Jardini, André Luiz; Filho, Rubens Maciel; Zavaglia, Cecília Amélia de Carvalho; Damborenea, Juan José de
Understanding reaction mechanisms using dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy: Methanol oxidation on Pt
By Holm, Thomas; Sunde, Svein; Seland, Frode; Harrington, David A.
Facile synthesis of Pt nanocrystals with controllable nanostructures and dominant facets as highly active electrocatalysts for ethanol and ethylene glycol oxidation
By Hu, Chao; Kong, Zhijie; Li, Pi; Xiao, Meifang; Liu, Song; Yu, Gang

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