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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Experimental study of the impedance behavior of 18650 lithium-ion battery cells under deforming mechanical abuse
By Spielbauer, Markus; Berg, Philipp; Ringat, Michael; Bohlen, Oliver; Jossen, Andreas
Understanding the electrocatalytic activity of transition metal nanoparticles for solid oxide cell fuel electrodes
By Drasbæk, Daniel B.; Traulsen, Marie L.; Sudireddy, Bhaskar R.; Holtappels, Peter
Fabrication of graphene oxide/8-hydroxyquinolin/inorganic coating on the magnesium surface for extraordinary corrosion protection
By Zoubi, Wail Al; Kim, Min Jun; Kim, Yang Gon; Ko, Young Gun
Facile sonochemical synthesis of 2D porous Co3O4 nanoflake for supercapattery
By Numan, Arshid; kumar, Perumal Ramesh; Khalid, Mohammad; Ramesh, S.; Ramesh, K.; Shamsudin, E. M.; Zhan, Yiqiang; Jagadesh, Priyanka
Stack shut-down strategy optimisation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell with the segment stack technology
By Lin, Rui; Liu, Dengcheng; Xia, Shixiang; Ma, Tiancai; Dutruel, Benjamin
Electron donor availability controls scale up of anodic biofilms
By Tutar, Secil; Mohamed, Abdelrhman; Ha, Phuc T.; Beyenal, Haluk
Green synthesis of Terminalia Glaucescens Planch (Udi plant roots) extracts as green inhibitor for aluminum (6063) alloy in acidic and marine environment
By Olakolegan, Oluwasayo D.; Owoeye, Seun S.; Oladmeji, O. D.; Sanya, Olajide T.
A study of annealing time to surface characteristics and hydrogen embrittlement on AlSi coated 22MnB5 during hot stamping process
By Yang, Wonseog; Hwang, Eunhye; Kim, Hyejin; Ahn, Seungho; Kim, Sungjin; Castaneda, Homero
Novel alkaline water electrolysis with nickel-iron gas diffusion electrode for oxygen evolution
By Koj, Matthias; Qian, Jingcan; Turek, Thomas
Mesoporous NiMoO4 microspheres decorated by Ag quantum dots as cathode material for asymmetric supercapacitors: Enhanced interfacial conductivity and capacitive storage
By Zhang, Xingyan; Li, Zhuo; Yu, Zhuying; Wei, Lu; Guo, Xin

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