Experimental study of the impedance behavior of 18650 lithium-ion battery cells under deforming mechanical abuse
By Spielbauer, Markus; Berg, Philipp; Ringat, Michael; Bohlen, Oliver; Jossen, Andreas
2019 |
Understanding the electrocatalytic activity of transition metal nanoparticles for solid oxide cell fuel electrodes
By Drasbæk, Daniel B.; Traulsen, Marie L.; Sudireddy, Bhaskar R.; Holtappels, Peter
2019 |
Fabrication of graphene oxide/8-hydroxyquinolin/inorganic coating on the magnesium surface for extraordinary corrosion protection
By Zoubi, Wail Al; Kim, Min Jun; Kim, Yang Gon; Ko, Young Gun
2019 |
Facile sonochemical synthesis of 2D porous Co3O4 nanoflake for supercapattery
By Numan, Arshid; kumar, Perumal Ramesh; Khalid, Mohammad; Ramesh, S.; Ramesh, K.; Shamsudin, E. M.; Zhan, Yiqiang; Jagadesh, Priyanka
2019 |
Stack shut-down strategy optimisation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell with the segment stack technology
By Lin, Rui; Liu, Dengcheng; Xia, Shixiang; Ma, Tiancai; Dutruel, Benjamin
2019 |
Electron donor availability controls scale up of anodic biofilms
By Tutar, Secil; Mohamed, Abdelrhman; Ha, Phuc T.; Beyenal, Haluk
2019 |
Green synthesis of Terminalia Glaucescens Planch (Udi plant roots) extracts as green inhibitor for aluminum (6063) alloy in acidic and marine environment
By Olakolegan, Oluwasayo D.; Owoeye, Seun S.; Oladmeji, O. D.; Sanya, Olajide T.
2019 |
A study of annealing time to surface characteristics and hydrogen embrittlement on AlSi coated 22MnB5 during hot stamping process
By Yang, Wonseog; Hwang, Eunhye; Kim, Hyejin; Ahn, Seungho; Kim, Sungjin; Castaneda, Homero
2019 |
Novel alkaline water electrolysis with nickel-iron gas diffusion electrode for oxygen evolution
By Koj, Matthias; Qian, Jingcan; Turek, Thomas
2019 |
Mesoporous NiMoO4 microspheres decorated by Ag quantum dots as cathode material for asymmetric supercapacitors: Enhanced interfacial conductivity and capacitive storage
By Zhang, Xingyan; Li, Zhuo; Yu, Zhuying; Wei, Lu; Guo, Xin
2019 |