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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Hierarchical NiCoO2@Ni3S2 core/shell nanoflakes arrays with superior capacitive performances for energy storage
By Deng, Xiaoli; Zhou, Qingxiao; Huang, Haifu; Zhou, Wenzheng; Liang, Xianqing; Li, Guangxu; Guo, Jin; Tang, Shaolong
Use of ionic liquids in SECM experiments to distinguish effects of temperature and water in organic coating swelling
By Trinh, D.; Vosgien-Lacombre, C.; Bouvet, G.; Mallarino, S.; Touzain, S.
CoO nanorods/C as a high performance cathode catalyst in direct borohydride fuel cell
By Jia, Junkang; Li, Xingxing; Qin, Haiying; He, Yan; Ni, Hualiang; Chi, Hongzhong
TiO2 shielded Si nano-composite anode for high energy Li-ion batteries: The morphological and structural study of electrodes after charge-discharge process
By Raj, Hari; Singh, Siddharth; Sil, Anjan
Tungsten oxide and carbide composite synthesized by hot filament chemical deposition as electrodes in aqueous-based electrochemical capacitors
By Soares, Davi M.; Vicentini, Rafael; Peterlevitz, Alfredo C.; Rodella, Cristiane B.; Silva, Leonardo M. da; Zanin, Hudson
Influence of deposition conditions on nanostructured InSe thin films
By Demir, Kübra Çınar; Demir, Emre; Yüksel, Seniye; Coşkun, Cevdet
Carbon nanofibers as thick electrodes for aqueous supercapacitors
By Stojanovska, Elena; Kilic, Ali
Novel sandwich structured chrysotile fiber separator for advanced lithium-ion batteries
By Cai, Nana; Wang, Kun; Li, Neng; Huang, Suping; Xiao, Qi
Preparation of bio-electrodes via Langmuir-Blodgett technique for pharmaceutical and waste industries and their biosensor application
By Gür, Fatma; Kaya, Elif Duygu; Gür, Bahri; Türkhan, Ayşe; Onganer, Yavuz
Preparation, formulation and deposition of mica flake supported cobalt oxide for nanostructured lithium ion battery anodes
By Helmer, Alexandra; Rink, Anna Sophie; Esper, Julian; Wu, Yanlin; Bachmann, Julien; Taylor, Robin N. Klupp

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