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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
A rat model for assessing the long-term safety and performance of peripheral nerve electrode arrays
By Shafer, Benjamin; Welle, Cristin; Vasudevan, Srikanth
Electrodeposition of selective coatings based on black nickel for flat-plate solar water heaters
By Lizama-Tzec, F. I.; Herrera-Zamora, D. M.; Arés-Muzio, O.; Gómez-Espinoza, V. H.; Santos-González, I.; Cetina-Dorantes, M.; Vega-Poot, A. G.; García-Valladares, O.; Oskam, G.
Solution processible statistical poly(3-methoxythiophene)-co-poly(3-hexylthiophene) copolymer
By Minkler, Michael J.; Kim, Jihyuk; Lawson, Katherine E.; Ali, Ashraf; Zhao, Rong; Adamczyk, Andrew J.; Beckingham, Bryan S.
Vanadium doping of LiMnPO4 cathode material: Correlation between changes in the material lattice and the enhancement of the electrochemical performance
By Vásquez, F. A.; Calderón, J. A.
Porous 3D flower-like bismuth silicate@nitrogen-doped graphene nanomaterial as high-efficient catalyst for fuel cell cathode
By Qin, Xiulan; Huang, Ying; Shen, Yuanyuan; Zhao, Ming; Gao, Xiaogang
N-doped carbon matrix supported Fe3Ni6S8 hierarchical architecture with excellent sodium storage capability and electrocatalytic properties
By Cao, Dongwei; Kang, Wenpei; Huang, Zhaodi; Li, Hong; Yang, Mao; Li, Jiayang; Gao, Yiwen; Wang, Yuyu; Ma, Ping; Sun, Daofeng
Fast oxygen, nitrogen co-functionalization on electrospun lignin-based carbon nanofibers membrane via air plasma for energy storage application
By Zhang, Wei; Yang, Pei; Luo, Min; Wang, Xin; Zhang, Tao; Chen, Weimin; Zhou, Xiaoyan
Robust CNT-based conductive ultrafiltration membrane with tunable surface potential for in situ fouling mitigation
By Mao, Hengyang; Qiu, Minghui; Zhang, Tianyu; Chen, Xianfu; Da, Xiaowei; Jing, Wenheng; Fan, Yiqun
Solution blown polymer/biowaste derived carbon particles nanofibers: An optimization study and energy storage applications
By Stojanovska, Elena; Ozturk, Nur Dilara; Polat, Yusuf; Akbulut, Hatem; Kilic, Ali
Highly dispersed nanometer BiVO4 on attapulgite as a potential hybrid inhibitor pigment in epoxy coatings
By Shi, Hongwei; Sun, Mingyuan; Yu, Yongli; Shi, Meihui; Shi, Fa-Nian; Liu, Fuchun; Han, En-Hou

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