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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Effect of homogenization and hot rolling on the mechanical properties, microstructure and corrosion behavior of U–10Mo monolithic fuel
By Prabhakaran, Ramprashad; Gardner, Levi; Joshi, Vineet; Burkes, Douglas; Lavender, Curt
Durability of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) films on metallic substrates for bioelectronics and the dominant role of relative shear strength
By Qu, Jing; Garabedian, Nikolay; Burris, David L.; Martin, David C.
Double-catalytic-site engineering of nickel-based electrocatalysts by group VB metals doping coupling with in-situ cathodic activation for hydrogen evolution
By Shang, Xiao; Zhang, Xin-Yu; Xie, Jing-Yi; Dong, Bin; Chi, Jing-Qi; Guo, Bao-Yu; Yang, Min; Chai, Yong-Ming; Liu, Chen-Guang
Square wave voltammetry for real time analysis of minor metal ion concentrations in molten salt reactor fuel
By Zhang, Huan; Choi, Suhee; Zhang, Chao; Faulkner, Emma; Alnajjar, Nora; Okabe, Parker; Horvath, David C.; Simpson, Michael F.
Integral hydrophobic concrete without using silane
By Feng, Zhijun; Wang, Fajun; Xie, Ting; Ou, Junfei; Xue, Mingshan; Li, Wen
Nitrogen/sulfur dual-doped porous carbon nanofibers with Co9S8 nanoparticles encapsulated by graphitic shells: A highly active stable free-standing air electrode for rechargeable non-aqueous Li-O2 batteries and primary alkaline Al-air batteries
By Cao, Yuan; Lu, Huimin; Xu, Binbin; Yang, Wenwen; Hong, Qingshui
Extraordinary cycling stability of Ni3(HITP)2 supercapacitors fabricated by electrophoretic deposition: Cycling at 100,000 cycles
By Nguyen, D. K.; Schepisi, I. M.; Amir, F. Z.
A pH-dependent partial electrochemical exfoliation of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite for high areal capacitance electric double layer capacitor electrode
By Tamgadge, Rupesh M.; Shukla, Anupam
Effect of reduced graphene oxide-supported copper addition on electrochemical properties of La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.8Co0.5 electrodes
By Huang, Xiantun; Lan, Zhiqiang; Li, Jiacheng; Zhang, Hao; Guo, Jin
Porous boron doped diamond for dopamine sensing: Effect of boron doping level on morphology and electrochemical performance
By Baluchová, Simona; Taylor, Andrew; Mortet, Vincent; Sedláková, Silvia; Klimša, Ladislav; Kopeček, Jaromír; Hák, Ondřej; Schwarzová-Pecková, Karolina

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