Effect of homogenization and hot rolling on the mechanical properties, microstructure and corrosion behavior of U–10Mo monolithic fuel
By Prabhakaran, Ramprashad; Gardner, Levi; Joshi, Vineet; Burkes, Douglas; Lavender, Curt
2019 |
Durability of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) films on metallic substrates for bioelectronics and the dominant role of relative shear strength
By Qu, Jing; Garabedian, Nikolay; Burris, David L.; Martin, David C.
2019 |
Double-catalytic-site engineering of nickel-based electrocatalysts by group VB metals doping coupling with in-situ cathodic activation for hydrogen evolution
By Shang, Xiao; Zhang, Xin-Yu; Xie, Jing-Yi; Dong, Bin; Chi, Jing-Qi; Guo, Bao-Yu; Yang, Min; Chai, Yong-Ming; Liu, Chen-Guang
2019 |
Square wave voltammetry for real time analysis of minor metal ion concentrations in molten salt reactor fuel
By Zhang, Huan; Choi, Suhee; Zhang, Chao; Faulkner, Emma; Alnajjar, Nora; Okabe, Parker; Horvath, David C.; Simpson, Michael F.
2019 |
Integral hydrophobic concrete without using silane
By Feng, Zhijun; Wang, Fajun; Xie, Ting; Ou, Junfei; Xue, Mingshan; Li, Wen
2019 |
Nitrogen/sulfur dual-doped porous carbon nanofibers with Co9S8 nanoparticles encapsulated by graphitic shells: A highly active stable free-standing air electrode for rechargeable non-aqueous Li-O2 batteries and primary alkaline Al-air batteries
By Cao, Yuan; Lu, Huimin; Xu, Binbin; Yang, Wenwen; Hong, Qingshui
2019 |
Extraordinary cycling stability of Ni3(HITP)2 supercapacitors fabricated by electrophoretic deposition: Cycling at 100,000 cycles
By Nguyen, D. K.; Schepisi, I. M.; Amir, F. Z.
2019 |
A pH-dependent partial electrochemical exfoliation of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite for high areal capacitance electric double layer capacitor electrode
By Tamgadge, Rupesh M.; Shukla, Anupam
2019 |
Effect of reduced graphene oxide-supported copper addition on electrochemical properties of La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.8Co0.5 electrodes
By Huang, Xiantun; Lan, Zhiqiang; Li, Jiacheng; Zhang, Hao; Guo, Jin
2019 |
Porous boron doped diamond for dopamine sensing: Effect of boron doping level on morphology and electrochemical performance
By Baluchová, Simona; Taylor, Andrew; Mortet, Vincent; Sedláková, Silvia; Klimša, Ladislav; Kopeček, Jaromír; Hák, Ondřej; Schwarzová-Pecková, Karolina
2019 |