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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Failure of stainless steel 304L air cooler tubes due to stress corrosion cracking caused by organic chlorides
By Ravindranath, K.; Alazemi, R.
Fast microwave self-activation from chitosan hydrogel bead to hierarchical and O, N co-doped porous carbon at an air-free atmosphere for high-rate electrodes material
By Chen, Weimin; Luo, Min; Liu, Chaozheng; Hong, Shu; Wang, Xin; Yang, Pei; Zhou, Xiaoyan
Densely integrated Co, N-Codoped Graphene@Carbon nanotubes porous hybrids for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries
By Cheng, Dongdong; Zhao, Yelin; Tang, Xingwei; An, Tong; Wang, Xin; Zhou, Han; Zhang, Di; Fan, Tongxiang
Corrosion resistance of weight reduced AlxCrFeMoV high entropy alloys
By Raza, Ahmad; Abdulahad, Syed; Kang, Byungchul; Ryu, Ho Jin; Hong, Soon Hyung
Enhancing general corrosion resistance of biomedical high nitrogen nickel-free stainless steel by water treatment
By Yang, Yixun; Wang, Qingchuan; Li, Jun; Tan, Lili; Yang, Ke
Corrosion resistance and in vitro bioactivity of dense and porous titania coatings deposited on 316L SS by spraying method
By Garcia-Lobato, M. A.; Mtz-Enriquez, A. I.; Garcia, C. R.; Velazquez-Manzanares, M.; Avalos-Belmontes, F.; Ramos-Gonzalez, R.; Garcia-Cerda, L. A.
Dextran modified magnetic nanoparticles based solid phase extraction coupled with linear sweep voltammetry for the speciation of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) in tea, coffee, and mineral water samples
By Filik, Hayati; Avan, Asiye Asl?han
A fractal-patterned coating on titanium alloy for stable passive heat dissipation and robust superhydrophobicity
By Chen, Guoliang; Wang, Yaming; Zou, Yongchun; Jia, Dechang; Zhou, Yu
Magnetic ZnFe2O4@ZnSe hollow nanospheres for photocatalytic hydrogen production application
By Dai, Fangxu; Zhao, Ruiyang; Huai, Xudong; Han, Jishu; Wang, Lei; Feng, Shouhua
Surface protection of steel in oil well acidizing fluids using L-theanine-based corrosion inhibitor formulations: Experimental and theoretical evaluation
By Ituen, Ekemini; Mkpenie, Victor; Dan, Emmanuel

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