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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
4-Tert butylpyridine induced MAPbI3 film quality enhancement for improving the photovoltaic performance of perovskite solar cells with two-step deposition route
By Dong, Guohua; Ha, Jiao; Yang, Yulin; Qiu, Lele; Fan, Ruiqing; Zhang, Wenzhi; Bai, Liming; Gao, Wanshou; Fu, Meiling
Application of thermally activated red mud in surface treatment of 5005 aluminum alloy
By Liu, Shifeng; Zeng, Jianmin
Salvia officinalis extract mitigates the microbiologically influenced corrosion of 304L stainless steel by Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm
By Lekbach, Yassir; Li, Zhong; Xu, Dake; Abed, Soumya El; Dong, Yuqiao; Liu, Dan; Gu, Tingyue; Koraichi, Saad Ibnsouda; Yang, Ke; Wang, Fuhui
A novel mediator-containing polyvinylidene fluoride/lithium trifluoromethanesulfonate polymer electrolyte membrane for low-temperature solid-state supercapacitors
By Cai, Jinshu; Wang, Yuchen; Qiao, Xiaoyao; Zhou, Xiangyang; Mansour, Azzam N.
Textile-based RGO-muffled cobalt (II, III) oxide hybrid nano-architectures for flexible energy storage device
By Howli, Promita; Panigrahi, Karamjyoti; Mitra, Anuradha; Das, Nirmalya Sankar; Chattopadhyay, Kalyan Kumar
Insights on the kinetics of concanavalin A adsorption on platinum and glassy carbon electrodes from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy data
By Diniz, Flamarion Borges; Silva, Diego José Raposo da; Ueta, Roseli Rudnick; Ribeiro, Rogério Tavares
Nitrogen-doped CNT on CNT hybrid fiber as a current collector for high-performance Li-ion capacitor
By Kanakaraj, Sathya Narayan; Hsieh, Yu-Yun; Adusei, Paa Kwasi; Homan, Bradley; Fang, Yanbo; Zhang, Guangqi; Mishra, Siddharth; Gbordzoe, Seyram; Shanov, Vesselin
In situ formation of ultrathin C3N4 layers on metallic WO2 nanorods for efficient hydrogen evolution
By Lu, Shan-Shan; Zhang, Li-Ming; Fan, Kai; Xie, Jing-Yi; Shang, Xiao; Zhang, Jia-Qi; Chi, Jing-Qi; Yang, Xin-Lei; Wang, Lei; Chai, Yong-Ming; Dong, Bin
Evaluation of anti-corrosion performance of an expired semi synthetic antibiotic cefdinir for mild steel in 1 M HCl medium: An experimental and theoretical study
By Singh, Ashish Kumar; Chugh, Bhawna; Saha, Sourav Kr; Banerjee, Priyabrata; Ebenso, Eno E.; Thakur, Sanjeeve; Pani, Balaram
Nano-hybridization of VS with NiFe layered double hydroxides for efficient oxygen evolution in alkaline media
By Zhang, Xin-Yu; Xie, Jing-Yi; Yang, Xin-Lei; Lv, Jing-Yi; Dong, Bin; Guo, Bao-Yu; Zhou, Yu-Lu; Yu, Jian-Feng; Wang, Lei; Chai, Yong-Ming; Liu, Chen-Guang

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