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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
The investigation of Cu2O electrochemical deposition time effect on ZnO for water splitting
By Tezcan, Fatih; Mahmood, Asad; Kardaş, Gulfeza
The effect of physical adsorption on the capacitance of activated carbon electrodes
By Tolman, Nathan L.; Mukai, Jason M.; Wang, Shuqing; Zito, Alessandra; Luo, Tianyi; Liu, Haitao
Reproducibility of Li-ion cell reassembling processes and their influence on coin cell aging
By Schmid, Alexander Uwe; Kurka, Moritz; Birke, Kai Peter
Microstructure and corrosion behavior of Fe-based amorphous composite coatings developed by atmospheric plasma spraying
By Bijalwan, Pavan; Kumar, Anil; Nayak, Sapan K.; Banerjee, Atanu; Dutta, Monojit; Laha, Tapas
Physicochemical and in-vitro biological analysis of bio-functionalized titanium samples in a protein-rich medium
By Rao, Shradha; Astaneh, Sarah Hashemi; Villanueva, Jose; Silva, Filipe; Takoudis, Christos; Bijukumar, Divya; Souza, J
Electrochemical kinetics, molecular dynamics, adsorption and anticorrosion behavior of melatonin biomolecule on steel surface in acidic medium
By Ituen, Ekemini; Mkpenie, Victor; Moses, Eno; Obot, Ime
Carbohydrate-functionalized polythiophene biointerface: design, fabrication, characterization and application for protein analysis
By Qu, Ke; Kondengaden, Shukkoor M.; Li, Jian; Wang, Xuewei; Sevilla, Michael D.; Li, Lei; Zeng, Xiangqun
Polymer complexes. LXXV. Characterization of quinoline polymer complexes as potential bio-active and anti-corrosion agents
By Abou-Dobara, M. I.; Omar, N. F.; Diab, M. A.; El-Sonbati, A. Z.; Morgan, Sh M.; Salem, O. L.; Eldesoky, A. M.
Composite (glass + crystalline) coatings from blast furnace pig iron by high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) process and their electrochemical behavior
By Sarkar, Kuntal; Rai, P. K.; Katiyar, Prvan Kumar; Satapathy, Biswajeet; Pathak, Abhishek Subhash; Dutta, Monojit; Banerjee, Atanu; Mondal, K.
High protective performance coatings assembled by epoxy-modified furfural-acetone containing polyaniline nanowires for mild steel
By Han, Yufeng; Wang, Jixiao; Wang, Zhi; Zhao, Song

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