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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Enhancement of photooxidative and corrosion resistance of epoxy/graphene water-based coatings on metallic substrate
By Monetta, Tullio; Acquesta, Annalisa; Carangelo, Anna; Naddeo, Carlo; Guadagno, Liberata
Overcoming diffusion limitations in supercapacitors using layered electrodes
By Drummond, R.; Huang, C.; Grant, P. S.; Duncan, S. R.
Mesoporous yolk-shell ZnO/C microspheres as active ingredient of zinc anode with outstanding cycle stability and high rate performance
By Wang, Limin; Yang, Zhanhong; Chen, Xi; Qin, Haigang
Towards high resolution monitoring of water flow velocity using flat flexible thin mm-sized resistance-typed sensor film (MRSF)
By Xu, Zhiheng; Fan, Yingzheng; Wang, Tianbao; Huang, Yuankai; Dehkordy, Farzaneh MahmoodPoor; Dai, Zheqin; Xia, Lingling; Dong, Qiuchen; Bagtzoglou, Amvrossios; McCutcheon, Jeffrey; Lei, Yu; Li, Baikun
In vivo study of microarc oxidation coated Mg alloy as a substitute for bone defect repairing: Degradation behavior, mechanical properties, and bone response
By Wu, Yunfeng; Wang, Y. M.; Zhao, D. W.; Zhang, Nan; Li, Hongyu; Li, Junlei; Wang, Yongxuan; Zhao, Ying; Yan, Jinglong; Zhou, Yu
Electrochemical investigation of chalcopyrite (bio)leaching residues
By Tanne, C. K.; Schippers, A.
Effect of substituent dependent molecular structure on anti-corrosive behavior of one-pot multicomponent synthesized pyrimido [2,1-B] benzothiazoles: Computer modelling supported experimental studies
By Verma, Chandrabhan; Quraishi, M. A.; Obot, I. B.; Ebenso, Eno E.
Robust multifunctional microcapsules with antibacterial and anticorrosion features
By Chong, Yong Bing; Sun, Dawei; Zhang, Xin; Yue, Chee Yoon; Yang, Jinglei
Facile preparation of porefilled membranes based on poly(ionic liquid) with quaternary ammonium and tertiary amine head groups for AEMFCs
By Xie, Feng; Shao, Zhigang; Gao, Xueqiang; Hao, Jinkai; Song, Wei; Yu, Hongmei; Yi, Baolian
Myristic acid based imidazoline derivative as effective corrosion inhibitor for steel in 15% HCl medium
By Solomon, Moses M.; Umoren, Saviour A.; Quraishi, Mumtaz A.; Salman, Mohammad

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