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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
A promising enzyme anchoring probe for selective ethanol sensing in beverages
By Soylemez, Saniye; Goker, Seza; Toppare, Levent
Development of a potentiometric maprotiline-selective electrode and its application in pharmaceut?cal samples
By Cavus, Ibrahim; Kanberoglu, Gulsah Saydan
Induced nanoscale roughness of current collectors enhances lithium ion battery performances
By Chen, Jimmy Ching-Ming; Yang, Jinho; Cheng, Mark Ming-Cheng
A scalable nano-engineering method to synthesize 3D-graphene-carbon nanotube hybrid fibers for supercapacitor applications
By Adusei, Paa Kwasi; Kanakaraj, Sathya N.; Gbordzoe, Seyram; Johnson, Kevin; DeArmond, Derek; Hsieh, Yu-Yun; Fang, Yanbo; Mishra, Siddharth; Phan, Nhat; Alvarez, Noe T.; Shanov, Vesselin
Electrical and electrochemical behavior of a zinc-rich epoxy coating system with carbon nanotubes as a diode-like material
By Cho, Seongkoo; Chiu, Tse-Ming; Castaneda, Homero
Hybrid lithium-ion battery-capacitor energy storage device with hybrid composite cathode based on activated carbon / LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2
By Hagen, M.; Yan, J.; Cao, W. J.; Chen, X. J.; Shellikeri, A.; Du, T.; Read, J. A.; Jow, T. R.; Zheng, J. P.
Enhancement in bio-corrosion resistance of metallic glass by severe surface deformation
By Perumal, Gopinath; Grewal, Harpreet Singh; Ayyagari, Aditya; Mukherjee, Sundeep; Arora, Harpreet Singh
Quantitative analysis of local fine structure on diffusion of point defects in passive film on Ti
By Wang, Lu; Yu, Hongying; Wang, Shaoyang; Chen, Bao; Wang, Yuhang; Fan, Wenqiang; Sun, Dongbai
Formation of a Ni(OH)2/NiOOH active redox couple on nickel nanowires for formaldehyde detection in alkaline media
By Trafela,
Electrochemical dealloying with simultaneous phase separation
By Zeng, Yuqiao; Gaskey, Bernard; Benn, Ellen; McCue, Ian; Greenidge, Gina; Livi, Kenneth; Zhang, Xuhai; Jiang, Jianqing; Elebacher, Jonah

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