Literature Database
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.
If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.
Publication |
Date |
Nickel enriched Ruddlesden-Popper type lanthanum strontium manganite as electrode for symmetrical solid oxide fuel cell
By Xu, Zheqiang; Li, Yihang; Wan, Yanhong; Zhang, Shaowei; Xia, Changrong
2019 |
Robust spindle-structured FeP@C for high-performance alkali-ion batteries anode
By Xu, Xijun; Feng, Jianrui; Liu, Jun; Lv, Fan; Hu, Renzong; Fang, Fang; Yang, Lichun; Ouyang, Liuzhang; Zhu, Min
2019 |
Effect of Mn additions on the corrosion behaviour of TWIP Fe-Mn-Al-Si austenitic steel in chloride solution
By Fajardo, S.; Llorente, I.; Jim
2019 |
Micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cell stack operated with catalytically enhanced porous media fuel-rich combustor
By Zeng, Hongyu; Gong, Siqi; Shi, Yixiang; Wang, Yuqing; Cai, Ningsheng
2019 |
Effect of thickness and additional elements on the filtering properties of a thin Nafion layer
By Lepp
2019 |
The effect of Fe3+ contamination in feed water on proton exchange membrane electrolyzer performance
By Li, Na; Araya, Samuel Simon; K
2019 |
Production of corrosion-resistant 316L stainless steel clads on carbon steel using powder bed fusion-selective laser melting
By Murkute, Pratik; Pasebani, Somayeh; Isgor, O. Burkan
2019 |
3D phosphorus-carbon electrode with aligned nanochannels promise high-areal-capacity and cyclability in lithium-ion battery
By Yan, Yuhua; Xu, Hongyi; Peng, Chengxin; Zhang, Pengcheng; Yang, Junhe; Zheng, Shiyou
2019 |
Al-Ti-oxide coated LiCoO2 cathode material with enhanced electrochemical performance at a high cutoff charge potential of 4.5 V
By He, Shiyu; Wei, Aijia; Li, Wen; Bai, Xue; Zhang, Lihui; Yang, Lili; Liu, Zhenfa
2019 |
Experimental data on the photoelectrochemical oxidation of phenol: Analysis of pH, potential and initial concentration
By Villota-Zuleta, J. A.; Rodr
2019 |