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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Bimodal porous carbon cathode and prelithiated coalesced carbon onion anode for ultrahigh power energy efficient lithium ion capacitors
By Aref, Amir Reza; Chen, Shih-Wen; Rajagopalan, Ramakrishnan; Randall, Clive
Temperature dependence of the electrochemical behavior of the 690 Ni-base alloy between 25 and 325
By Euch, Salma EL; Bricault, Damien; Cachet, Hubert; Sutter, Eliane M. M.; Tran, Mai T. T.; Vivier, Vincent; Engler, Nathalie; Marion, Antoine; Skocic, Milan; Huerta-Ortega, Benjamin
In-vitro assessment of HA-Nb coating on Mg alloy ZK60 for biomedical applications
By Singh, Balraj; Singh, Gurpreet; Sidhu, Buta Singh; Bhatia, Nitish
Plasma functionalisation of few-layer graphenes and carbon nanotubes for graphene microsupercapacitors
By Smith, Emily A. M.; Liu, Yuqing; Stirling, Chris; Watson, David J.; Slade, Robert C. T.; Chen, Jun; Crean, Carol
Durability of AZ31 magnesium biodegradable alloys polydopamine aided. Part 2: Ageing in Hank's solution
By Carangelo, Anna; Acquesta, Annalisa; Monetta, Tullio
Measurements and simulations of Li isotope enrichment by diffusion and electrochemical migration using gel-based electrolyte
By Murali, A.; Zhang, Z.; Sarswat, P. K.; Free, M. L.
Nickel-substituted LiMnPO4/C olivine cathode material: Combustion synthesis, characterization and electrochemical performances
By Khalfaouy, Redouan EL; Turan, Servet; Dermenci, Kamil Burak; Savaci, Umut; Addaou, Abdellah; Laajeb, Ali; Lahsini, Ahmed
Electrochemical and theoretical investigation for some pyrazolone derivatives as inhibitors for the corrosion of C-steel in 0.5 M hydrochloric acid
By Defrawy, Ahmed M. El; Abdallah, M.; Al-Fahemi, Jabir H.
Carbon nanofoam paper enables high-rate and high-capacity Na-ion storage
By DeBlock, Ryan H.; Ko, Jesse S.; Sassin, Megan B.; Hoffmaster, Ashley N.; Dunn, Bruce S.; Rolison, Debra R.; Long, Jeffrey W.
Co-P decorated nanoporous copper framework for high performance flexible non-enzymatic glucose sensors
By Chen, Huang; Sun, Peng; Qiu, Meijia; Jiang, Min; Zhao, Jie; Han, Dongxue; Niu, Li; Cui, Guofeng

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