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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Synthesis of cobalt and nitrogen co-doped carbon nanotubes and its ORR activity as the catalyst used in hydrogen fuel cells
By Zhao, Hongwei; Xing, Tianyu; Li, Lixiang; Geng, Xin; Guo, Ke; Sun, Chengguo; Zhou, Weimin; Yang, Haiming; Song, Renfeng; An, Baigang
Effect of scratching frequency on the tribocorrosion resistance of Al-Mn amorphous thin films
By Chen, Jia; Cai, Wenjun
Electricity generation from Nopal biogas effluent using a surface modified clay cup (cantarito) microbial fuel cell
By Kamaraj, Sathish-Kumar; Rivera, Alejandro Esqueda; Murugesan, Selvasankar; Garc
Metal chalcogenide based photocatalysts decorated with heteroatom doped reduced graphene oxide for photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical hydrogen production
By Aky
The initial characteristics of the polypyrrole based aqueous rechargeable batteries with supercapattery characteristics
By Grgur, Branimir N.; Jana?kovi?, Marija; Jugovi?, Branimir Z.; Gvozdenovi?, Milica M.
Manganese oxide doping carbon aerogels prepared with MnO2 coordinated by N, N - dimethylmethanamide for supercapacitors
By Xu, Yuelong; Wang, Shasha; Ren, Bin; Zhao, Junping; Zhang, Lihui; Dong, Xiaoxi; Liu, Zhenfa
Effects of electronic probe
By Bhardwaj, Aman; Hong, Jae-woon; Kim, In-Ho; Namgung, Yeon; Song, Sun-Ju
The cost-effective deposition of ultra-thin titanium(IV) oxide passivating layers for improving photoelectrochemical activity of SnS electrodes
By Kois, Julia; Polivtseva, Svetlana; Bereznev, Sergei
Efficiently degradation of polyacrylamide pollution using a full spectrum Sn3O4 nanosheet/Ni foam heterostructure photoelectrocatalyst
By Yang, Ruiqi; Ji, Yanchen; Zhang, Jian; Zhang, Ruitong; Liu, Fan; Chen, Yuke; Liang, Linlin; Han, Shuwei; Yu, Xin; Liu, Hong
In-plane flexible solid-state microsupercapacitors for on-chip electronics
By Zhang, Xingyan; Zhao, Wen; Wei, Lu; Jin, Yiyi; Hou, Jie; Wang, Xiaoxue; Guo, Xin

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