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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Study of hydrogen release resulting from the transformation of austenite into martensite
By Pu, S. D.; Turk, A.; Lenka, S.; Ooi, S. W.
FeS@tubular mesoporous carbon as high capacity and long cycle life anode materials for lithium- and sodium-ions batteries
By Cao, Zhijie; Ma, Xiaobo; Dong, Wenhao; Wang, Hailong
Electro catalytic study of NiO-MOF/rGO composites for methanol oxidation reaction
By Noor, Tayyaba; Zaman, Neelam; Nasir, Habib; Iqbal, Naseem; Hussain, Zakir
A textile-based wearable supercapacitor using reduced graphene oxide/polypyrrole composite
By Barakzehi, Marjan; Montazer, Majid; Sharif, Farhad; Norby, Truls; Chatzitakis, Athanasios
EQCM and EIS characterization of electrochemical deposition of tin from aqueous solution containing pyrophosphate
By Tuna, Kadir; Kilian, Arnd; Ressler, Thorsten
Enhanced electrochromic characteristics induced by Au/PEDOT/Pt microtubes in WO3 based electrochromic devices
By Karaca, G
One-step solution combustion synthesis of CuO/Cu2O/C anode for long cycle life Li-ion batteries
By Xu, Chunxiao; Manukyan, Khachatur V.; Adams, Ryan A.; Pol, Vilas G.; Chen, Pengwan; Varma, Arvind
The use of concentrated solar energy for the reduction of CuO in H2
By Arenas, M. A.; Padilla, I.; Robla, J. I.; V
Influence of Cerium Content on the Corrosion Behavior of Al-Co-Ce Amorphous Alloys in 0.6 M NaCl Solution
By Zhang, L. M.; Zhang, S. D.; Ma, A. L.; Umoh, A. J.; Hu, H. X.; Zheng, Y. G.; Yang, B. J.; Wang, J. Q.
Template-free preparation of nitrogen-doped activated carbon with porous architecture for high-performance supercapacitors
By Xu, Zhenfu; Chen, Jinglun; Zhang, Xue; Song, Qiang; Wu, Jie; Ding, Lei; Zhang, Chunzhi; Zhu, Huiling; Cui, Hongzhi

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