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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Sphalerite bioleaching comparison in shake flasks and percolators
By Schippers, Axel; Tanne, Christoph; Stummeyer, Jens; Graupner, Torsten
Flexible self-assembled polyelectrolyte thin films based on conjugated polymer: Quartz cristal microbalance dissipation (QCM-D) and cyclic voltammetry analysis
By Deniz, Merve; Delig
Novel high ionic conductivity electrolyte membrane based on semiconductor La0.65Sr0.3Ce0.05Cr0.5Fe0.5O3-? for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells
By Meng, Yuanjing; Wang, Xunying; Zhang, Wei; Xia, Chen; Liu, Ya-nan; Yuan, Menghui; Zhu, Bin; Ji, Yuan
Improved performance and stability of solid state electrochromic devices with eco-friendly chitosan-based electrolytes
By Eren, Esin
3D graphene decorated Na4Fe3(PO4)2(P2O7) microspheres as low-cost and high-performance cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries
By Yuan, Tianci; Wang, Yanxia; Zhang, Jiexin; Pu, Xiangjun; Ai, Xinping; Chen, Zhongxue; Yang, Hanxi; Cao, Yuliang
Characterization of Cu3N/CuO thin films derived from annealed Cu3N for electrode application in Li-ion batteries
By Chen, Wenhao; Zhang, Hong; Yang, Bao; Li, Bicai; Li, Zhicheng
Metal?organic framework derived porous hollow ternary sulfide as robust anode material for sodium ion batteries
By Cao, Dongwei; Fan, Weidong; Kang, Wenpei; Wang, Yuyu; Sun, Kaian; Zhao, Jinchong; Xiao, Zhenyu; Sun, Daofeng
Improving the cycle life of cryptomelane type manganese dioxides in aqueous rechargeable zinc ion batteries: The effect of electrolyte concentration
By Poyraz, Altug S.; Laughlin, Josh; Zec, Zeljka
Stress-generating electrochemical reactions during the initial growth of anodic titanium dioxide nanotube layers
By Dou, Qi; Shrotriya, Pranav; Li, Wenfang; Hebert, Kurt R.
From biomass-derived wastes (bagasse, wheat straw and shavings) to activated carbon with three-dimensional connected architecture and porous structure for Li-ion batteries
By Wan, Hongri; Hu, Xiaofang

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