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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Enhanced electrochemical performance of iron-manganese based cathode by Li doping for sodium-ion batteries
By Ding, Zhiyu; Liu, Yanchen; Tang, Qiming; Jiang, Qin; Lu, Juan; Xiao, Zhenzhao; Yao, Penghui; Monasterio, Manuel; Wu, Junwei; Liu, Xiangli
Electrochemical performance of heat treated SnO2
By Watson, Venroy G.; Haynes, Zion D.; Telama, Wete; Yeboah, Yaw D.; Weatherspoon, Mark H.; Zheng, Jim P.; Kalu, Egwu E.
Development of a PEO-based lithium ion conductive epoxy resin polymer electrolyte
By Andrews, William T.; Liebig, Andrew; Cook, Jeremy; Marsh, Porter; Ciocanel, Constantin; Lindberg, Gerrick E.; Browder, Cindy C.
Laboratory investigation of microbiologically influenced corrosion of Q235 carbon steel by halophilic archaea Natronorubrum tibetense
By Qian, Hongchang; Zhang, Dawei; Lou, Yuntian; Li, Ziyu; Xu, Dake; Du, Cuiwei; Li, Xiaogang
Influence of Sn and Mo on Corrosion Behavior of Ferrite-pearlite Steel in the Simulated Bottom Plate Environment of Cargo Oil Tank
By Hao, Xuehui; Dong, Junhua; Mu, Xin; Wei, Jie; Wang, Changgang; Ke, Wei
Grain boundary carbides as hydrogen diffusion barrier in a Fe-Ni alloy: A thermal desorption and modelling study
By Turk, Andrej; Bomba?, David; Rydel, Jakub Jelita; Zi?tara, Maciej; Rivera-D
Corrosion behavior and surface analysis of 690 MPa-grade offshore steels in chloride media
By Huang, Wei-Hsuan; Yen, Hung-Wei; Lee, Yueh-Lien
Combinatorial development of nanocrystalline/amorphous (La,Sr)CoO3-(La,Sr)2CoO4 composite cathodes for IT-SOFCs
By Sari, Dogancan; Piskin, Fatih; Torunoglu, Ziya Cagri; Yasar, Bengisu; Kalay, Yunus Eren; Ozturk, Tayfur
Preparation and characterization of microcapsules based self-healing coatings containing epoxy ester as healing agent
By Zhang, Cheng; Wang, Haoran; Zhou, Qixin
Transition metal nanoparticles doped carbon paper as a cost-effective anode in a microbial fuel cell powered by pure and mixed biocatalyst cultures
By Mohamed, Hend Omar; Sayed, Enas Taha; Obaid, M.; Choi, Yun-Jeong; Park, Sung-Gwan; Al-Qaradawi, Siham; Chae, Kyu-Jung

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