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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Inhomogeneous active layer contact loss in a cycled prismatic lithium-ion cell caused by the jelly-roll curvature
By Mussa, Abdilbari Shifa; Lindbergh, G
Influences of Na2SiO3 and EDTA-ZnNa2 concentration on properties of zinc-containing coatings on WE43 magnesium alloys
By Zhu, Yuanyuan; Zhang, Shufang; Zhao, Rongfang; Lou, Jin; Zhang, Rongfa; Huan, Xiaoxue; Zhang, Yijia
Nano-sized oxide filled composite PEO/PMMA/P(VDF-HFP) gel polymer electrolyte for rechargeable lithium and sodium batteries
By Shi, Juan; Xiong, Hougao; Yang, Yifu; Shao, Huixia
Graphene nanoribbon-TiO2-quantum dots hybrid photoanode to boost the performance of photoelectrochemical for hydrogen generation
By Akilimali, Rusoma; Selopal, Gurpreet Singh; Benetti, Daniele; Mohammadnezhad, Mahyar; Zhao, Haiguang; Wang, Zhiming M.; Stansfield, Barry; Rosei, Federico
MoS2 flakes integrated with boron and nitrogen-doped carbon: Striking gravimetric and volumetric capacitive performance for supercapacitor applications
By Thakur, Anukul K.; Majumder, Mandira; Choudhary, Ram B.; Singh, Shashi B.
Effect of minor content of Gd on the mechanical and degradable properties of as-cast Mg-2Zn-xGd-0.5Zr alloys
By Chen, Junxiu; Tan, Lili; Yu, Xiaoming; Yang, Ke
Trimethyl phosphate based neutral ligand room temperature ionic liquids for electrodeposition of rare earth elements
By Bagri, Prashant; Luo, Huimin; Popovs, Ilja; Thapaliya, Bishnu P.; Dehaudt, Jeremy; Dai, Sheng
N-doped carbon coated FeNiP nanoparticles based hollow microboxes for overall water splitting in alkaline medium
By Du, Yunmei; Han, Yi; Huai, Xudong; Liu, Yanru; Wu, Caiyun; Yang, Yu; Wang, Lei
Controllable phosphorsulfurization of uniform binary Ni-Fe nanocubes for enhanced water oxidation
By Gao, Wen-Kun; Lin, Jia-Hui; Wang, Kai; Liu, Zi-Zhang; Qin, Jun-Feng; Xie, Jing-Yi; Zhang, Xin-Yu; Chai, Yong-Ming; Dong, Bin
Electrical extraction of piezoelectric constants
By Ahmad, Mahmoud Al; Allataifeh, Areen

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