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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Cyclic polarization enhances the operating stability of La0.57Sr0.38Co0.18Fe0.72Nb0.1O3-? oxygen electrode of reversible solid oxide cells
By He, Zelong; Zhang, Lan; He, Shuai; Ai, Na; Chen, Kongfa; Shao, Yanqun; Jiang, San Ping
Improving the Sensitivity of Electrochemical Sensors through a Complementary Luminescent Mode: A New Spectroelectrochemical Approach
By Chatterjee, Sayandev; Fujimoto, Meghan S.; Cheng, Yu Hsuan; Kargupta, Roli; Soltis, Jennifer A.; Motkuri, Radha Kishan; Basuray, Sagnik
Influence of cold rolling on in vitro cytotoxicity and electrochemical behaviour of an Fe-Mn-C biodegradable alloy in physiological solutions
By Conti, Malcolm Caligari; Aquilina, Daniel; Paternoster, Carlo; Vella, Daniel; Sinagra, Emmanuel; Mantovani, Diego; Cassar, Glenn; Wismayer, Pierre Schembri; Buhagiar, Joseph
Effect of hydrogen embrittlement on the microstructures of electroplated steel alloy 4130
By Reda, Y.; El-Shamy, A. M.; Eessaa, Ashraf K.
Modification of optical and electrical properties of nanocrystalline VO2
By Elkady, Marwa; Hamad, Hesham; Essawy, Noha El
Functional nanocomposites with graphene-DNA hybrid fillers: Synthesis and surface properties under UV irradiation
By Toto, Elisa; Palombi, Maria; Laurenzi, Susanna; Santonicola, M. Gabriella
Comparison of oxide layers formed on the low-cycle fatigue crack surfaces of Alloy 690 and 316 SS tested in a simulated PWR environment
By Chen, Junjie; Nurrochman, Andrieanto; Hong, Jong-Dae; Kim, Tae Soon; Jang, Changheui; Yi, Yongsun
Improved PEM fuel cell performance with hydrophobic catalyst layers
By Avcioglu, Gokce S.; Ficicilar, Berker; Eroglu, Inci
Electrolytic production of Cu-Ni alloys in CaCl2-Cu2S-NiS molten salt
By KARTAL, Levent; TIMUR, Servet
Effect of chloride ion on corrosion behavior of low carbon steel in 0.1 M NaHCO3 solution with different dissolved oxygen concentrations
By Xue, Fang; Wei, Xin; Dong, Junhua; Wang, Changgang; Ke, Wei

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