Efficient design principle for interfacial charge separation in hydrogen-intercalated nonstoichiometric oxides
By Gu, Zhenao; Zhang, Le; Wen, Bo; An, Xiaoqiang; Lan, Huachun; Liu, Li-Min; Chen, Tao; Zhang, Jing; Cao, Xingzhong; Tang, Junwang; Liu, Huijuan; Qu, Jiuhui
2018 |
Cellulose paper functionalised with polypyrrole and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) for paper battery electrodes
By Ropio, I.; Baptista, A. C.; Nobre, J. P.; Correia, J.; Belo, F.; Taborda, S.; Faustino, B. M. Morais; Borges, J. P.; Kovalenko, A.; Ferreira, I.
2018 |
A robust flat-chip solid oxide fuel cell coupled with catalytic partial oxidation of methane
By Gong, Siqi; Zeng, Hongyu; Lin, Jin; Shi, Yixiang; Hu, Qiang; Cai, Ningsheng
2018 |
Nanostructured Ni2N thin films magnetron-sputtered on nickel foam as efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
By Ma, Zhiyuan; Li, Zhicheng; Li, Shuhua; Li, Pengfei; Zhang, Hong
2018 |
Activity and selectivity of carbon supported palladium catalysts prepared from bis(?3-allyl)palladium complexes in phenylacetylene hydrogenation
By Al-Wadhaf, H. A.; Karpov, V. M.; Katsman, E. A.
2018 |
Structural and properties transformation in ZnO hexagonal nanorod by ruthenium doping and its effect on DSSCs power conversion efficiency
By Iwantono, Iwantono; Saad, Siti Khatijah Md; Yuda, Rischi; Rahman, Mohd Yusri Abd; Umar, Akrajas Ali
2018 |
Effect of HCO3? on electrochemical kinetics of carbon steel corrosion in CO2-saturated brines
By Wright, Ruishu F.; Brand, Edward R.; Ziomek-Moroz, Margaret; Tylczak, Joseph H.; Ohodnicki, Paul R.
2018 |
Nanoporous silver cathode surface-treated by aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition of gadolinia-doped ceria for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells
By Choi, Hyeon Rak; Neoh, Ke Chean; Choi, Hyung Jong; Han, Gwon Deok; Jang, Dong Young; Kim, Daejoong; Shim, Joon Hyung
2018 |
AWARE: A Wearable Awareness with Real-time Exposure, for monitoring alcohol consumption impact through Ethyl Glucuronide detection
By Kinnamon, David; Lin, Kai-Chun; Sankhala, Devangsingh; Muthukumar, Sriram; Prasad, Shalini
2018 |
The issue with using DNA profiling as a sole method for investigating the role of marine biofilms in corrosion of metallic materials
By Makama, Zakari; Celikkol, Sukriye; Ogawa, Akiko; Gaylarde, Christine; Beech, Iwona
2018 |