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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Efficient design principle for interfacial charge separation in hydrogen-intercalated nonstoichiometric oxides
By Gu, Zhenao; Zhang, Le; Wen, Bo; An, Xiaoqiang; Lan, Huachun; Liu, Li-Min; Chen, Tao; Zhang, Jing; Cao, Xingzhong; Tang, Junwang; Liu, Huijuan; Qu, Jiuhui
Cellulose paper functionalised with polypyrrole and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) for paper battery electrodes
By Ropio, I.; Baptista, A. C.; Nobre, J. P.; Correia, J.; Belo, F.; Taborda, S.; Faustino, B. M. Morais; Borges, J. P.; Kovalenko, A.; Ferreira, I.
A robust flat-chip solid oxide fuel cell coupled with catalytic partial oxidation of methane
By Gong, Siqi; Zeng, Hongyu; Lin, Jin; Shi, Yixiang; Hu, Qiang; Cai, Ningsheng
Nanostructured Ni2N thin films magnetron-sputtered on nickel foam as efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
By Ma, Zhiyuan; Li, Zhicheng; Li, Shuhua; Li, Pengfei; Zhang, Hong
Activity and selectivity of carbon supported palladium catalysts prepared from bis(?3-allyl)palladium complexes in phenylacetylene hydrogenation
By Al-Wadhaf, H. A.; Karpov, V. M.; Katsman, E. A.
Structural and properties transformation in ZnO hexagonal nanorod by ruthenium doping and its effect on DSSCs power conversion efficiency
By Iwantono, Iwantono; Saad, Siti Khatijah Md; Yuda, Rischi; Rahman, Mohd Yusri Abd; Umar, Akrajas Ali
Effect of HCO3? on electrochemical kinetics of carbon steel corrosion in CO2-saturated brines
By Wright, Ruishu F.; Brand, Edward R.; Ziomek-Moroz, Margaret; Tylczak, Joseph H.; Ohodnicki, Paul R.
Nanoporous silver cathode surface-treated by aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition of gadolinia-doped ceria for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells
By Choi, Hyeon Rak; Neoh, Ke Chean; Choi, Hyung Jong; Han, Gwon Deok; Jang, Dong Young; Kim, Daejoong; Shim, Joon Hyung
AWARE: A Wearable Awareness with Real-time Exposure, for monitoring alcohol consumption impact through Ethyl Glucuronide detection
By Kinnamon, David; Lin, Kai-Chun; Sankhala, Devangsingh; Muthukumar, Sriram; Prasad, Shalini
The issue with using DNA profiling as a sole method for investigating the role of marine biofilms in corrosion of metallic materials
By Makama, Zakari; Celikkol, Sukriye; Ogawa, Akiko; Gaylarde, Christine; Beech, Iwona

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