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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
In Situ Formation of Er0.4Bi1.6O3 Protective Layer at Cobaltite Cathode/Y2O3
By He, Shuai; Zhang, Qi; Maurizio, Giulio; Catellani, Lorenzo; Chen, Kongfa; Chang, Qibing; Santarelli, Massimo; Jiang, San Ping
Electrophoretically Deposited ZnFe2O4-Carbon Black Porous Film as a Superior Negative Electrode for Lithium-Ion Battery
By Das, Debasish; Mitra, Arijit; Jena, Sambedan; Majumder, Subhasish B.; Basu, Rajendra N.
Dendrite Suppression Membranes for Rechargeable Zinc Batteries
By Lee, Byoung-Sun; Cui, Shuang; Xing, Xing; Liu, Haodong; Yue, Xiujun; Petrova, Victoria; Lim, Hee-Dae; Chen, Renkun; Liu, Ping
By Li, Jinfeng; Pham, Phi H. Q.; Zhou, Weiwei; Pham, Ted D.; Burke, Peter J.
Pt-Functionalized PdO Nanowires for Room Temperature Hydrogen Gas Sensors
By Cho, Hee-Jin; Chen, Vivian T.; Qiao, Shaopeng; Koo, Won-Tae; Penner, Reginald M.; Kim, Il-Doo
Enhanced Charge Transport and Increased Active Sites on ?-Fe2O3 (110) Nanorod Surface Containing Oxygen Vacancies for Improved Solar Water Oxidation Performance
By Hu, Jun; Zhao, Xin; Chen, Wei; Chen, Zhong
Shape-Controlled Nanoparticles in Pore-Confined Space
By Knossalla, Johannes; Paciok, Paul; G
Electric Single-Molecule Hybridization Detector for Short DNA Fragments
By Loh, A. Y. Y.; Burgess, C. H.; Tanase, D. A.; Ferrari, G.; McLachlan, M. A.; Cass, A. E. G.; Albrecht, T.
Ligand-Assisted Metal-Centered Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution upon Reduction of a Bis(thiosemicarbazonato)Ni(II) Complex
By Jain, Rahul; Mamun, Abdullah Al; Buchanan, Robert M.; Kozlowski, Pawel M.; Grapperhaus, Craig A.
Toward a Tunable Synthetic [FeFe]-Hydrogenase H-Cluster Mimic Mediated by Perylene Monoimide Model Complexes: Insight into Molecular Structures and Electrochemical Characteristics
By Abul-Futouh, Hassan; Skabeev, Artem; Botteri, Davide; Zagranyarski, Yulian; G

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