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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Enzyme-Deoxygenated Low Parts per Million Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization in Miniemulsion and Ab Initio Emulsion
By Wang, Yi; Fu, Liye; Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof
Xanthommatin-Based Electrochromic Displays Inspired by Nature
By Kumar, Amrita; Williams, Thomas L.; Martin, Camille A.; Figueroa-Navedo, Amanda M.; Deravi, Leila F.
Co-Poly(ionic liquid) Films via Anion Exchange for the Continuous Tunability of Ion Transport and Wettability
By Njoroge, Ian; Bout, Brandon W.; Matson, Maxwell W.; Laibinis, Paul E.; Jennings, G. Kane
Electrochemical Oxidation of Atrazine and Clothianidin on Bi-doped SnO2
By Gayen, Pralay; Chen, Chen; Abiade, Jeremiah T.; Chaplin, Brian P.
Rutile Alloys in the Mn
By Zhou, Lan; Shinde, Aniketa; Montoya, Joseph H.; Singh, Arunima; Gul, Sheraz; Yano, Junko; Ye, Yifan; Crumlin, Ethan J.; Richter, Matthias H.; Cooper, Jason K.; Stein, Helge S.; Haber, Joel A.; Persson, Kristin A.; Gregoire, John M.
Effect of the Electrolyte on the Cycling Efficiency of Lithium-Limited Cells and their Morphology Studied Through in Situ Optical Imaging
By Rodriguez, Rodrigo; Loeffler, Kathryn E.; Edison, Ruth A.; Stephens, Ryan M.; Dolocan, Andrei; Heller, Adam; Mullins, C. Buddie
CoSe2-Decorated NbSe2 Nanosheets Fabricated via Cation Exchange for Li Storage
By Zhang, Jianli; Du, Chengfeng; Zhao, Jin; Ren, Hao; Liang, Qinghua; Zheng, Yun; Madhavi, Srinivasan; Wang, Xin; Zhu, Junwu; Yan, Qingyu
Designing a Solution Processable Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxyselenophene) Analogue
By Ertan, Salih; Cihaner, Atilla
Macromolecular Engineering of the Outer Coordination Sphere of [2Fe-2S] Metallopolymers to Enhance Catalytic Activity for H2 Production
By Brezinski, William P.; Karayilan, Metin; Clary, Kayla E.; McCleary-Petersen, Keelee C.; Fu, Liye; Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof; Evans, Dennis H.; Lichtenberger, Dennis L.; Glass, Richard S.; Pyun, Jeffrey
Synthesis of FeS2
By Rhodes, Jordan M.; McBride, James R.; Macdonald, Janet E.

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