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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Electrodepositing manganese oxide into a graphene hydrogel to fabricate an asymmetric supercapacitor
By Chi, Hong Zhong; Wu, Yong Qiang; Shen, Yu Kang; Zhang, Chunxiao; Xiong, Qinqin; Qin, Haiying
Macromolecular aggregation and electrochemical behavior of pyrrolyl-, anilynyl- and thiophenyl-silicon compounds as precursors for thin hybrid films
By Conchetto, Giulia; Santi, Cristina M.; Trueba, Monica; Trasatti, Stefano P.
Effect of benzothiazole biocide on SRB-induced biocorrosion of hot-dip galvanized steel
By Eduok, Ubong; Faye, Omar; Szpunar, Jerzy
Damage assessment of the corrosion-resistant performances for organic coating systems after accelerated tests using analytic hierarchy process
By Yong, Xingyue; Hu, Xiyan; Jiang, Lin; Ma, Qingfei; Chen, Rihui
Improved performance of CdS quantum dot sensitized solar cell by solvent modified SILAR approach
By Rosiles-Perez, C.; Cerd
Microbial corrosion resistance of a novel Cu-bearing pipeline steel
By Shi, Xianbo; Yan, Wei; Xu, Dake; Yan, Maocheng; Yang, Chunguang; Shan, Yiyin; Yang, Ke
Free-standing carbon nanofiber fabrics for high performance flexible supercapacitor
By Ma, Cheng; Ruan, Songju; Wang, Jitong; Long, Donghui; Qiao, Wenming; Ling, Licheng
Intrinsic photoelectrocatalytic activity in oriented, photonic TiO2 nanotubes
By Fleischer, Christian; Chatzitakis, Athanasios; Norby, Truls
Ultrathin mesoporous NiMoO4-modified MoO3 core/shell nanostructures: Enhanced capacitive storage and cycling performance for supercapacitors
By Zhang, Xingyan; Wei, Lu; Guo, Xin
Evaluation of drug loading capacity and release characteristics of PEDOT/naproxen system: Effect of doping ions
By Krukiewicz, Katarzyna; Kruk, Aleksandra; Turczyn, Roman

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