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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Carbon-coated molybdenum carbide nanosheets derived from molybdenum disulfide for hydrogen evolution reaction
By Huang, Yunjie; Wang, Chenshuai; Song, Huaibing; Bao, Yaqi; Lei, Xiaoqing
In vitro and in vivo studies of anti-bacterial copper-bearing titanium alloy for dental application
By Liu, Rui; Tang, Yulong; Zeng, Lilan; Zhao, Ying; Ma, Zheng; Sun, Ziqing; Xiang, Liangbi; Ren, Ling; Yang, Ke
Effect of an organic additive in the electrolyte on suppressing the growth of Li dendrites in Li metal-based batteries
By Ho, Van-Chuong; Ngo, Duc Tung; Le, Hang T. T.; Verma, Rakesh; Kim, Hee-Sang; Park, Choong-Nyeon; Park, Chan-Jin
Corrosion assessment of Ti-6Al-4V fabricated using laser powder-bed fusion additive manufacturing
By Chiu, Tse-Ming; Mahmoudi, Mohamad; Dai, Wei; Elwany, Alaa; Liang, Hong; Castaneda, Homero
Electrochemical characterization of a CFY-stack with planar electrolyte-supported solid oxide cells in rSOC operation
By Preininger, Michael; Suboti?, Vanja; Stoeckl, Bernhard; Schauperl, Richard; Reichholf, David; Megel, Stefan; Kusnezoff, Mihails; Hochenauer, Christoph
Semiconductor electrolyte for low-operating-temperature solid oxide fuel cell: Li-doped ZnO
By Xia, Chen; Qiao, Zheng; Shen, Liangping; Liu, Xueqi; Cai, Yixiao; Xu, Yang; Qiao, Jinli; Wang, Hao
Controlled growth of ultrathin NiMoO4 nanosheets on carbon nanofiber membrane as advanced electrodes for asymmetric supercapacitors
By Huang, Yunpeng; Cui, Fen; Zhao, Yan; Lian, Jiabiao; Bao, Jian; Li, Huaming
The influence of polarization of titania nanotubes modified by a hybrid system made of a conducting polymer PEDOT and Prussian Blue redox network on the Raman spectroscopy response and photoelectrochemical properties
By Szkoda, Mariusz; Nowaczyk, Grzegorz; Lisowska-Oleksiak, Anna; Siuzdak, Katarzyna
Correlation between vanadium carbide size and hydrogen trapping in ferritic steel
By Turk, Andrej; Mart
High performance supercapattery incorporating ternary nanocomposite of multiwalled carbon nanotubes decorated with Co3O4 nanograins and silver nanoparticles as electrode material
By Iqbal, Javed; Numan, Arshid; Rafique, Saqib; Jafer, Rashida; Mohamad, Sharifah; Ramesh, K.; Ramesh, S.

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