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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Structure-function study of poly(sulfobetaine 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PSBEDOT) and its derivatives
By Lee, Chen-Jung; Wang, Huifeng; Young, Megan; Li, Shengxi; Cheng, Fang; Cong, Hongbo; Cheng, Gang
Corrosion protection properties of inhibitor containing hybrid PEO-epoxy coating on magnesium
By Yang, Junjie; Blawert, Carsten; Lamaka, Sviatlana V.; Snihirova, Darya; Lu, Xiaopeng; Di, Shichun; Zheludkevich, Mikhail L.
Effect of post-weld heat treatment on microstructure evolution and pitting corrosion resistance of electron beam-welded duplex stainless steel
By Zhang, Zhiqiang; Jing, Hongyang; Xu, Lianyong; Han, Yongdian; Zhao, Lei; Lv, Xiaoqing
Lanthanum titanate nanometric powder potentially for rechargeable Ni-batteries: Synthesis and electrochemical hydrogen storage
By Henao, J.; Pacheco, Y.; Sotelo, O.; Casales, M.; Martinez-G
Synthesis of new fluorine-containing room temperature ionic liquids and their physical and electrochemical properties
By Mei, Xinyi; Yue, Zheng; Tufts, Jim; Dunya, Hamza; Mandal, Braja K.
Enhanced resistance of 2205 Cu-bearing duplex stainless steel towards microbiologically influenced corrosion by marine aerobic Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms
By Xu, Dake; Zhou, Enze; Zhao, Ying; Li, Huabing; Liu, Zhiyong; Zhang, Dawei; Yang, Chunguang; Lin, Hai; Li, Xiaogang; Yang, Ke
Detrimental role of hydrogen evolution and its temperature-dependent impact on the performance of vanadium redox flow batteries
By Fetyan, Abdulmonem; El-Nagar, Gumaa A.; Lauermann, Iver; Schnucklake, Maike; Schneider, Jonathan; Roth, Christina
The investigation of sky-blue emitting anthracene-carbazole derivatives: Synthesis, photophysics and OLED applications
By Haykir, Gulcin; Aydemir, Murat; Han, Si Hyun; Gumus, Selcuk; Hizal, Gurkan; Lee, Jun Yeob; Turksoy, Figen
Improvement in stability of PtRu electrocatalyst by carbonization of in-situ polymerized polyaniline
By Zhang, Quan; Yang, Zehui; Ling, Ying; Yu, Xinxin; Zhang, Yunfeng; Cheng, Hansong
Surfaces modification of MAPbI3 films with hydrophobic ?-NaYF4:Yb,Er up-conversion ultrathin layers for improving the performance of perovskite solar cells
By Qiu, Lele; Yang, Yulin; Dong, Guohua; Xia, Debin; Li, Mengru; Fan, Xiao; Fan, Ruiqing

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